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Thursday 28 November 2013

Home Remedies for Coughing during Pregnancy

Home Remedies for Coughing during Pregnancy

Coughs during pregnancy can make you feel miserable but even the most persistent and severe cough do not harm the baby in any way. As medication is restricted, it is best to resort to home remedies for coughing during pregnancy.

Workable home remedies for coughing during pregnancy

  • A teaspoon of a paste made of basil leaves and honey can prove beneficial in soothing the symptoms. Alternatively, you can boil basil leaves in water, strain, add honey and drink. Honey subdues the pain in the throat.
  • Suck a slice of lemon with salt and black pepper on it to reduce the intensity of cough.
  • You can eat grapes regularly for a couple of days. Grapes act as an expectorant and tone up the lungs as well.
  • Eat garlic with meals 2-3 times a week to seek relief.
  • For dry cough, drink a mixture of 3-4 teaspoons of fresh coconut milk, half a teaspoon of Cuscus grass (khuskhus) and one teaspoon of honey before bedtime.
  • Onion juice mixed with honey also acts as a good cough syrup.
  • A paste of soaked almonds (without their cover), sugar and butter is a potent remedy for dry cough.
  • The eucalyptus or mint flavour in mentholated lozenges soothes the irritated throat and provides relief.
  • Herbal teas such as black tea with ginger alleviate pain as well as cures coughing.
  • Chicken soup with onions and vegetables is nutritious as well as helpful in reducing soreness.
  • A warm shower helps as warm, humid air unclogs the mucus and hence, helps cure the cough.
  • Rub mentholated chest rubs for prompt relief. The soothing vapours of these rubs open the body’s air passageways by dilating the blood vessels.
  • Warm, salt-water gargles draw out the mucus and reduce the painful swelling in the throat. Salt also quells the itching sensation in the throat.  Gargles with warm water mixed with lemon juice and honey are equally effective.
  • Inhale steam vapours through a humidifier or from a pot of boiling water as it loosens the mucus and soothes an irritated throat.

These home remedies for coughing during pregnancy are very useful and effective but excessive amounts of some ingredients in these remedies may also be counterproductive. In case of a prolonged cough, it is advised to consult a doctor.

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