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Friday, 20 July 2012

5 Ways Green Juice Can Change Your Life

5 Ways Green Juice Can Change Your Life

1. Juicing and blending your greens breaks down their cell walls.

2. Greens have Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is one of the best things that you can put into your body! Chlorophyll, when looked at molecularly is almost identical to the composition of your red blood cells, aside from the fact that it has magnesium in the center, as opposed to iron.

3. Vitamin and Mineral Power! These drinks are amazing for anyone who has poor digestive function. When you juice or blend, you take all the digestive work away from your body, making all the vital nutrients in your fruits and vegetables readily available for your body to absorb and use.

4. Green juice and green smoothies will clean out your digestive system. The fiber, chlorophyll, and other nutrients, found especially in greens will clean you out.

5. Components of green juice and smoothies have medicinal qualities. Parsley is a blood cleanser. Cilantro pulls heavy metals from the body. Ginger is a carminative, which means that it cleanses the gut as well as healing it.

Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison


Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison



Breast cancer. Osteoporosis. Iron deficiency. Weight reduction. what do these things have in common? They are either unique to women, or are more prevalent in women. And they affect current recommendations on what women should eat for optimum health.

While new information on what's good and what's bad seems to surface almost daily, some basic guidelines have taken rood over the past several years.

The bottom line (also known as the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, from the Departments of Health and Human Services and Agriculture) is:

eat a variety of foods
maintain healthy weight
choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol
choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products
use sugar and salt/sodium only in moderation
if you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.
That sounds simple enough, except, what exactly is variety? Cake one day, cookies the next? What is a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol? And, finally, what parts of a healthy diet have special importance for women?


There are several vitamins and minerals essential to a healthy diet. A well-balanced diet will usually meet women's allowances for them. However, for good health, women need to pay special attention to two minerals, calcium and iron.


Both women and men need enough calcium to build peak (maximum) bone mass during their early years of life. Low calcium intake appears to be one important factor in the development of osteoporosis. Women have a greater risk than men of developing osteoporosis.

A condition in which progressive loss of bone mass occurs with aging, osteoporosis causes the bones to be more susceptible to fracture. If a woman has a high level of bone mass when her skeleton matures, this may modify her risk of developing osteoporosis.

Therefore, particularly during adolescence and early adulthood, women should increase their food sources of calcium. "The most important time to get a sufficient amount of calcium is while bone growth and consolidation are occurring, a period that continues until approximately age 30 to 35," says Marilyn Stephenson, a registered dietitian with FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. "The idea is, if you can build a maximum peak of calcium deposits early on, this may delay fractures that occur later in life."

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for calcium for women 19 to 24 is 1,200 milligrams per day. For women 25 and older, the allowance drops to 800 milligrams, but that is still a significant amount, says Stephenson. "The need for good dietary sources of calcium continues throughout life," she says.

How do you get enough calcium without too many calories and fat? After all, the foods that top the calcium charts--milk, cheese, ice cream--aren't calorie and fat lightweights.

"There are lots of lower fat choices," says Stephenson. "There's 1 percent or skim milk instead of whole milk. There's a good variety of lower fat cheeses, yogurts, and frozen yogurts, and there's a whole flock of substitutes for ice cream."

In addition to dairy foods, other good sources of calcium include salmon, tofu (soybean curd), certain vegetables (for example, broccoli), legumes (peas and beans), calcium-enriched grain products, lime-processed tortillas, seeds, and nuts.


For women, the RDA for iron is 15 milligrams per day, 5 milligrams more than the RDA for men. Women need more of this mineral because they lose an average of 15 to 20 milligrams of iron each month during menstruation. Without enough iron, iron deficiency anemia can develop and cause symptoms that include pallor, fatigue and headaches.

After menopause, body iron stores generally begin to increase. Therefore, iron deficiency in women over 50 may indicate blood loss from another source, and should be checked by a physician.

Animal products--meat, fish and poultry--are good and important sources of iron. In addition, the type of iron, known as heme iron, in these foods is well absorbed in the human intestine.

Dietary iron from plant sources, called non-heme, are found in peas and beans, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, potatoes, and whole-grain and iron-fortified cereal products. Although non-heme iron is not as well absorbed as heme iron, the amount of non-heme iron absorbed from a meal is influenced by other constituents in the diet. The addition of even relatively small amounts of meat or foods containing vitamin C substantially increases the total amount of iron absorbed from the entire meal.


The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council recommends that the average woman between 23 and 50 eat about 2,200 calories a day to maintain weight.

The best way for a woman to determine whether she's eating the right number of calories is to "keep stepping on the scale," says FDA's Stephenson.

She cautions, however, that cutting back on calories isn't always the answer to losing weight "You don't really want to cut back any more [calories] if you're down around that [1,500 calories] range," says Stephenson. She explains that the fewer the calories you have to work with, the harder it is to meet all your daily requirements for a healthy diet.

"If you find you are gaining weight, you need to think of not only cutting calories, but also about increasing exercise," she says. "Calories are only half the equation for weight control. Physical activity burns calories, increases the proportion of lean to fat body mass, and raises your metabolism. so, a combination of both calorie control and increased physical activity is important for attaining healthy weight.

"On the other hand, if you've been pigging out--well, you know what you have to do."


Women tend to have higher levels than men of a desirable type of cholesterol called HDLs (High-density-lipoproteins) until menopause, leading some researchers to believe there is a link between HDLs and estrogen levels. But this doesn't let women off the hook--a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol can still mean trouble.

For both women and men, blood cholesterol levels of below 200 milligrams are desirable. Levels between 200 and 239 milligrams are considered borderline, and anything over 240 milligrams is high. High levels of blood cholesterol increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

To keep levels in the good range, the National Cholesterol Education Program of the national Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends eating no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol a day. Cholesterol is found only in food from animal sources, such as egg yolks, dairy products, meat, poultry, shellfish, and--in smaller amounts--fish and some processed products containing animal foods.

Even more important than limiting cholesterol to under 300 milligrams is keeping saturated fat to under 10 percent of total calories, says Nancy Ernst, the nutrition coordinator for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

"Don't even think about cholesterol in your diet," says Ernst. "Focus on reducing saturated fat."


In the United States, out of every 100,000 women, approximately 27 die from breast cancer each year. In Japan, breast cancer deaths are fewer than 7 per 100,000. Some scientists think that the difference in death rates may be related to the different amounts of fat in the average diet in each country--40 percent for American women versus 20 percent in Japan.

"We believe pretty strongly in the link [between high-fat diets and breast cancer]," says Jeffrey McKenna, director of NCI's Cancer Awareness Program.

Population studies have also linked high-fat diets to other cancers, particularly colorectal cancer.

Fat does, however, serve a purpose in the diet. Fats in foods provide energy and help the body absorb certain vitamins. But it is as easy as pie (and doughnuts, ice cream, and sirloin steaks) to eat too much.

For a healthy diet, the diet and health report of the National Research Council recommends reducing fat to no more than 30 percent of total calories (see box to figure out how). But that's not all. In terms of heart disease, the kinds of fat you eat are as important as how much.

There are three kinds of fat--saturated, polyunsaturated, and mono-unsaturated. All three are equal when it comes to calories--9 per gram (compared to 4 calories per gram for protein or carbohydrate). But they aren't equal when it comes to how they affect your health.

More than anything else in the diet, saturated fat can raise your blood cholesterol level. Because of this risk, less than one- third of your daily fat intake (less than 10 percent of total calories) should come from saturated fats.

That's the bad news. The good news is polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated may actually lower blood cholesterol levels. The diet and health report recommends that not more than 10 percent of total calories should be from polyunsaturated fat, and mono-unsaturated fat should make up the remaining 10 percent.

The foods with the highest amounts of saturated fat come from animals--meat, of course, and foods derived from animals, such as butter, cream, ice cream, and cheese. In addition to animal products, coconut and palm kernel oils are very high in saturated fat--over 90 percent.

The best sources for polyunsaturated fats are plant-based oils--sunflower, corn, soybean, cottonseed, and safflower. Mono-unsaturated fats are found in the largest amounts in olive, canola and peanut oils.


An apple a day--that is, a whole apple with the skin--will give you approximately 3.6 grams of fiber. That's a good start, but you still need a lot more fruits vegetables, and whole grains to meet the daily level of 20 to 30 grams of fiber recommended by the National Cancer Institute.

Eating foods with plenty of complex carbohydrates and fiber (vegetables, fruits, and grain products) is part of a healthy diet for several reasons. A fiber-rich diet is helpful in the management of constipation and may be related to lower rates of colon cancer. These types of foods are generally low in fat and can be substitutes for fatty foods.

Fiber comes in two forms--insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber, mostly found in whole-grain products, vegetables and fruit, provides bulk for stool formation and helps move wastes more quickly through the colon. Another benefit is the full feeling fiber may create in the stomach, a possible deterrent to overeating.

Soluble fiber has been linked to lowering blood cholesterol levels, but that's still a research area according to the Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health. there are many sources of soluble fiber, including peas and beans, many vegetables and fruits, and rice, corn and oat bran. There are even small amounts in pasta, crackers, and other bakery products.

Although foods containing fiber seem to exert a protective effect against some cancers, the diet and health report points out there is no conclusive evidence that dietary fiber itself, rather than other components, exerts this effect. Therefore, the report does not recommend the use of fiber supplements.

When increasing the amount of fiber in your diet, do it slowly, so your body can become accustomed to handling it.


Carefully selecting foods for a well-balanced diet can end up a wasted effort if equal care isn't used in the kitchen. Some important points to help make the most of healthy food:

To help reduce fat, broil, bake or microwave food rather than frying or deep-fat frying.
Cook vegetables in as little water as possible, or, instead of boiling food, try steaming. The steamer basket keeps the food above the water so the nutrients can't be washed away. Also, heat can destroy some nutrients, so don't overcook.
Use fresh foods as soon as possible to avoid loss of vitamins.
Season vegetables with herbs and spices instead of high-fat sauces, butter or margarine.
Substitute plain low-fat yogurt, blender-whipped low-fat cottage cheese, or buttermilk in recipes that call for sour cream or mayonnaise. Use skim or low-fat milk in place of whole milk in puddings, soups, and baked products.
National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council
Recommended Dietary Allowances for Women Age 19 to 50 (1989)


  A           800 micrograms
  D           10 micrograms (age 19 to 24), 5 micrograms (age 25 to 50)
  E           8 milligrams
  K           60 micrograms (19 to 24), 65 micrograms (25 to 50)
  C           60 milligrams
Thiamine      1.1 milligrams
Riboflavin    1.3 milligrams
Niacin        15  milligrams
  B6          1.6 milligrams
Folate        180 micrograms
  B12         2 micrograms

Calcium        1,200 milligrams (19 to 24), 800 milligrams (25 to 50)
Phosphorus     1,200 milligrams (19 to 24), 800 milligrams (25 to 50)
Magnesium      280 milligrams
Iron           15 milligrams
Zinc           12 milligrams
Iodine         150 micrograms
Selenium       55 micrograms

The recommendation is that no more than 30 percent of total calories come from fat. Food labels list fat in grams. To find out what your total intake of fats in grams should be limited to, multiply your daily calories by 0.30 (30 percent) and divide by 9 (the number of calories in a gram of fat).

2,200 calories x 0.30 = 660 calories from fat
660 calories/9 = 73 grams of fat

The Dietary Guidelines say that the many nutrients you need should come from a variety of foods, not from a few highly fortified foods or supplements. A good way to ensure variety is to choose foods each day from the five major food groups. USDA has developed a daily food guide for a well-balanced diet that suggests the following:

vegetables--3 to 5 servings
fruits--2 to 4 servings
breads, cereals, rice, pasta--6 to 11 servings
milk, yogurt, cheese--2 to 3 servings
meat, poultry, fish, dried beans and peas, eggs, nuts--2 to 3 servings
This food guide is "a useful, simple way for women to look at their own diets and see how to improve them," says Stephenson. By choosing different foods from each group daily, the food guide can serve as the basis for the dietary guideline "eat a variety of foods," says Stephenson, and "that's a tenet of nutritional advice for all people."

Finally, the guidelines are meant for the average person, cautions Walter H. Glinsmann, M.D., FDA's associate director for clinical nutrition. "Almost nobody is average, he says. Lifestyle, genetics and conditions such as pregnancy or disease can also affect a person's nutritional needs, he explains.

Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison

Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy Baby

Exercise, Good Food, And Prenatal Care Are the Keys

When I was pregnant with my second child, I had two friends who were also expecting. We would get together once a week and, over milkshakes, compare our growing bellies and laugh about our big maternity pants.

We would also share our fears. Together we obsessed about nearly everything that could go wrong in the 40 weeks of pregnancy. What are these pains? Why am I so tired? How much will labor hurt? Can I handle another child? And the big one: Will my baby be healthy?

Worries and pregnancy seem to go hand in hand. Fortunately, however, most women of childbearing age are healthy and most pregnancies are considered "low-risk." For most women, the surest way to have a healthy baby is to live a healthy lifestyle. The March of Dimes suggests the following precautions:

Get early prenatal care, even before you're pregnant.
Eat a well-balanced diet, including a vitamin supplement that contains folic acid.
Exercise regularly with your doctor's permission.
Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and illicit drugs, and limit caffeine.
Avoid x-rays, hot tubs, and saunas.
Avoid infections.
Getting Good Care

When it comes to medical care and pregnancy, you can never start too early.

"The best start to having a healthy baby is to see your health-care provider before you conceive," says Richard Schwarz, M.D., an obstetrician and national consultant for the March of Dimes.

"There are lots of things you can do ahead of time," Schwarz adds. "You can make sure you're immune to rubella [German measles], you can know your blood type, you can stop smoking and make sure your diet is healthy, and you can get any illnesses you might have under control."

Once you're pregnant, your health professional--either an obstetrician, family practitioner, nurse-practitioner, or nurse-midwife--will have you begin with monthly visits that increase to once a week or more at the end.

At each visit, the physician or nurse will perform a series of examinations and tests to determine the health of the mother and baby. These include measuring the growth of the uterus, listening to the baby's heartbeat, taking the mother's blood pressure and weight, and checking her urine for evidence of protein or sugar, which could be symptoms of complications. The care provider will ask the mother if she has any concerns or problems such as blurred vision, leg cramps, abdominal cramps, or unusual headaches. The mother may also undergo ultrasound and genetic tests during the pregnancy.

Although prenatal visits may seem simple and even mundane, their importance can't be overestimated. Years of research have shown that pregnant women who get adequate prenatal care are more likely to have healthy babies and fewer complications during labor and recovery. Says Schwarz, "We know that pregnancy outcomes are better in women with early prenatal care."

Eating for Two

Good nutrition is another crucial step in having a healthy baby. A pregnancy takes about 300 extra calories a day to maintain, and an average-sized woman can expect to gain between 25 and 35 pounds overall.

Those extra calories should be nutritious ones, however. A pregnant woman needs a balanced diet complete with protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and a minimum of sweets and fats.

"Good nutrition is extremely important even before a pregnancy," says Shirley Blakely, Ph.D., a registered dietitian with the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. "If nature favors the growing fetus, the mother will suffer if she hasn't had a good diet."

According to the March of Dimes, a pregnant woman should increase her daily food portions to include:

6 to 11 servings of breads and other whole grains
3 to 5 servings of vegetables
2 to 4 servings of fruits
4 to 6 servings of milk and milk products
3 to 4 servings of meat and protein foods
6 to 8 glasses of water, and no more than one soft drink or cup of coffee per day to limit caffeine.
Some nutrients have been found to provide specific benefit to mother or child. For example, the B vitamins have been found to be especially important. One of them, folate, or its synthetic form, folic acid, can reduce the risk of birth defects of the brain and spinal cord, called the "neural tube."

Each year, an estimated 2,500 babies are born with neural tube defects. The most common of these is spina bifida, in which the spine is not closed. The exposed nerves are damaged, leaving the child with varying degrees of paralysis, incontinence, and sometimes mental retardation.

Because neural tube defects develop in the first 28 days after conception, "Once you know you're pregnant it's too late to do anything about [them]," says Blakely.

Because half of all pregnancies are unplanned, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends that all women of childbearing age get 400 micrograms of folic acid each day. If all women received that amount daily, the incidence of neural tube defects might be reduced by an estimated 45 percent, studies suggest. To help reach this goal, FDA now requires that all flour products, such as breads, buns and bagels, be fortified with extra folic acid.

Natural sources of folic acid include green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, and citrus fruits. It's also in many fortified breakfast cereals and some vitamin supplements.

Calcium and iron are also especially important during pregnancy. Getting enough calcium will help prevent a new mother from losing her own bone density as the fetus uses the mineral for bone growth. Iron helps both the mother and baby's blood carry oxygen. Most women need supplements to maintain adequate levels of these minerals. A daily vitamin supplement, while not an adequate substitute for a healthy diet, helps fill in the gaps on days when a woman's diet is less than perfect.

Avoid Infections

Many infections during pregnancy can be dangerous to an unborn child. Urinary tract infections and any sexually transmitted diseases need to be treated immediately.

Cat litter and raw meat may contain the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which can cause toxoplasmosis infection. It's rare for a pregnant woman to get the infection, but if she does, her baby could be at risk for serious illness or death. Get someone else to change the kitty litter if possible, or wear a face mask and rubber gloves for protection.

Problems also may arise when a pregnant woman eats undercooked or raw foods, or cooked foods that have been cross-contaminated with bacteria from raw food nearby. Food poisoning can cause meningitis, pneumonia, or even death to an unborn child, plus the vomiting and diarrhea involved leave the mother exhausted and dehydrated. (See "On the Home Front" in the November-December 1997 FDA Consumer.)

The 'Naughty' Stuff

Nearly everyone knows pregnant women shouldn't take illicit drugs, but it's the legal ones--alcohol and tobacco--that are more commonly the source of pregnancy problems.

"I think if women truly understood the adverse impact smoking and drinking have on their babies, they would quit," says Jeffrey King, M.D., the director of the division of maternal and fetal medicine at Wright State University School of Medicine, and the author of a recent study on substance abuse in pregnancy.

Smokers put their babies at a significantly higher risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth compared with nonsmokers. After birth, the babies of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are more likely to have poor lung development, asthma and respiratory infections, and to die of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

If a woman quits smoking early in pregnancy, however, she can still improve her chances of having a healthy baby. Expectant fathers or other members of the family should quit, too, because studies suggest breathing second-hand smoke may be dangerous as well.

Alcohol, too, can damage a developing fetus. Alcohol travels rapidly to the bloodstream, so when an expectant mother drinks, her baby drinks also.

Alcohol is known to cause mental retardation and facial abnormalities in babies, a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome. The Institute of Medicine estimates some 12,000 children with fetal alcohol syndrome are born in the United States each year. No one knows what amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy; therefore, the U.S. Surgeon General recommends pregnant women avoid alcohol altogether.

A few other activities are known to be dangerous during pregnancy. X-rays can expose the fetus to radiation and potentially cause birth defects. Hot tubs and saunas can raise the core temperature of a pregnant woman's body and could potentially harm the fetus. Warm baths, however, are fine if the water is kept at body temperature.


Many drugs are appropriate for use in pregnancy, if really needed. But a pregnant woman shouldn't take any medication, even an over-the-counter one, unless she checks with her doctor first. If possible, she should avoid taking drugs in the first trimester or taking more than one medication at a time. She can also ask for the lowest dose possible to treat her condition.

Some medications have a long history of being used in pregnancy without problems. A pregnant woman shouldn't be deprived of drug therapy she really needs, says Sandra Kweder, M.D., the co-chair of FDA's task force on pregnancy labeling. She adds that women with pre-existing medical conditions such as epilepsy, lupus, asthma, or high blood pressure shouldn't quit their drugs because of pregnancy. Safer drugs can be used if necessary, but those medical conditions still need to be treated.

Kweder explains, "A common thing with patients is that they'll say, 'I know I'm supposed to take medication, but I'm worried about my baby, so I'll take less of it instead.' They'll take it every other day, or half as much. That's not wise."

The risks of a drug have to be weighed against its benefits. For example, some epilepsy drugs are known to cause birth defects, but an epileptic seizure can cause brain damage to the fetus. Most experts agree that the benefits of medication in such cases outweigh the risks.

Other drugs, however, are not so clear-cut. "It's really hard because there aren't easy answers," says Kweder. "For a baby to be healthy, it needs a mother who's healthy." However, most drugs have not been tested scientifically in pregnant women. Reliable scientific information about medication use in pregnancy is often incomplete or nonexistent. FDA is trying to change that.

The agency has begun a comprehensive review about how it regulates drugs for pregnant women and how safety information is communicated on the label. The present system is not as helpful as the agency would like. "The system has been criticized, and rightly so," says Kweder. "It is complicated to interpret data for medications used in pregnancy. We're making progress, but it's slow."

A new system is needed, she says, but it will be difficult to create. Drugs can't be tested in pregnant women the same as in other groups of people. Animal studies, while helpful, don't necessarily show what a drug will do to a woman and developing fetus.

In the meantime, a woman who has taken a drug and discovers she is pregnant should consult her doctor and avoid making decisions about her pregnancy in panic. While about 80 percent of approved drugs lack adequate scientific evidence about use in pregnancy, that doesn't necessarily mean they can harm the fetus or are harmful in the doses prescribed.

Only a very few drugs definitely known to be extremely bad for a human fetus are clearly labeled or, in one case, have special requirements attached to their approval. The drug thalidomide, which was recently approved by FDA to treat leprosy and is being explored for other uses, is devastating to developing fetuses and causes severe deformities of the arms and legs. FDA is requiring that patients who take the drug enroll in a national registry that will track their progress monthly and record the occurrence of any pregnancy. The hope is that this process will discourage physicians from prescribing the drug to women who might become pregnant and keep patients from "sharing" the drug with a woman of childbearing age.


There's increasing medical evidence to show that exercise, even a vigorous workout, is healthy during pregnancy. An October 1998 study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that exercise is usually safe during pregnancy, and that women who exercised vigorously were more likely to carry their babies to full term compared with women who exercised less or not at all.

A pregnant woman should check with her doctor before exercising, however. If she gets the OK to work out, she should do so at least three times a week for 20 minutes each time, recommends the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Walking, swimming, riding a stationary bicycle, and joining a prenatal aerobics class are all excellent exercise choices for a pregnant woman. Exercises that require jerky, bouncy movements and being outside in hot weather are not good choices. Don't try deep knee bends, sit-ups (or any exercise that requires you to lie on your back after the first trimester), and toe touches. Other sports to avoid include downhill skiing, rock climbing, and horseback riding.

Wear a supportive bra and properly fitting athletic shoes while exercising. Stop if you feel dizzy, faint, overheated, or in pain. Drink plenty of water.

Staying in shape will help you keep up your stamina during your own impending marathon--labor! And, afterward, the more muscle mass you have, the quicker you'll regain your pre-pregnancy shape and be able to pack away those maternity pants.

Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison


Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison

Benefits of Black Pepper

Benefits of Black Pepper
Many people are ignorant about the numerous health benefits of black pepper . It contains potent antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. It contains iron, potassium, manganese, vitamin C and fiber in large quantities.However, beside these, it does contain other nutritional components.
1. Black pepper is known to improve digestion. Consume 5gm of black pepper powder mixed in a cup of buttermilk in case of digestive problems and intestinal infections. Ittreats these problems effectively as well as gives relief.
2. Black Pepper helps stomach to produce hydrochloric acid which is needed to digest food. This prevents food staying in the stomach for a long time which ultimately cures flatulence and stomach irritations.
3. In case of anorexia (loss of appetite), a decoction of black peppertaken helps solving the problem by stimulating the taste buds.
4. In case of fever with chills, drink little warm water boiled with pepperseeds. It effectively reduces the hightemperature.
5. Chewing the seeds, gargling with warm water boiled with the seeds, relieves toothaches.
6. A decoction of black pepper taken twice a day alleviates constipation.
7. Sucking few pepper corns provides immediate relief from throat irritations and dry cough.
8. A decoction of black pepper taken twice a day helps common cold and cough.
9. It promotes proper urination and sweating that helps get rid of harmful toxins from the body.
10. In case of minor cuts, sprinkle littleblack pepper powder on the area. It stops bleeding and its antibacterial properties promote immediate healing by killing the germs

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“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison

Ear Aches Relief | Ear Aches Treatment

Ear Aches Relief | Ear Aches Treatment

What is an Earache?

Earache is very common medical problem for both children and adults. An earache can be a sharp, dull, or burning pain in one or both ears. The pain may be temporary or constant. An earache can affect one or both ears and can vary from a mild, dull ache to a throbbing or stabbing pain that is nearly incapacitating.

A sense of fullness in the ear, as well as a burning sensation, may accompany an earache. An earache can occur suddenly or progress slowly.

Ear Aches Causes:

* Otitis externa
* Otitis media
Ear infection
* Ear disease
* Nose, mouth, or throat infection
* An insect in the ear
Fungus growth in the ear
* Wax buildup in the ear
Sinus infection

Ear Ache Symptoms:

* Excessive pain
* Difficulty in eating
* Irritability
* Hearing loss
* Ringing or buzzing sound in the ear
* Swelling of the ear

Ear Aches Remedies:

1. Warm some licorice in ghee and prepare a paste out of it. Apply this mixture externally over the ear. This would help you relieve of the pain.

2. Apart from earaches olive oil can also cure buzzing in the ears. The olive oil should be only slightly warm before being put into the ear canal to relieve ear pain.

3. A whole onion should be cooked till it is soft and then it should be wrapped in a piece of cloth and applied over the ear to provide relief from earache and dizziness. Leave it on for a few minutes and then apply to the other ear as well.

4. Warm some sesame oil and immerse a few leaves of the castor plant. Dab this oil around the ear. 

5. Extract some ginger juice and put a few drops of it in the ear. Warm this and put four drops of it. This would help treat earache

6. Another good earache home treatment is juice freshly squeezed out from peppermint leaves. This juice can be inserted in the aching ear to provide pain relief.

7. Add fenugreek seed to mustard or linseed oil. Warm this oil and filter it. Once cooled, put it in each ear in four to five drops. 

8. Another good earache home treatment can be prepared by warming tiny pieces of chopped radish in mustard oil and this oil can then be filtered into a glass bottle. In case of an earache, a few drops of this oil can be inserted into the affected ear to provide pain relief.

9. If the earache is due to flying, pop in some candy or chewing gum. Work the throat muscle as this would relieve from the earache

10. Grind some basil leaves to form a paste. Warm this at room temperature. Once it becomes at a bearable temperature, put four to five drops of this oil in the ears.
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Home Remedies for Blackheads | Blackhead Treatment

Home Remedies for Blackheads | Blackhead Treatment

Blackheads are very common in young People but many of them do not know what they are.This is not a serious Problem for it leaves no permanent effect.However,taking regular care of the skin can prevent them.
Blackheads are follicles that have wider opening than the usual and are also known as open comedones and are frequently caused by over active sebaceous glandsBlackheads particularly appear on the face,backchest and other parts that have sebaceous glands. The remains created in are mainly responsible for providing black colour to the blackheads. 

Home Remedies:
* Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to get rid of blackheads. This works as the super natural home remedy for blackheads.

* A packet made with crushed potatoes packed in thin cloth (poultice) is quite effective in treating black heads.

* Warm honey and apply on the blackheads, wash the face after 10-15 minutes.

* Steaming is also beneficial as it opens and softens the pores for easy removal of blackheads.

* Fenugreek leave commonly known as methi in India are made into paste form by crushing it. It is then applied on face and the left untouched for 20 minutes then wash your face with luke warm water.

* Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on blackhead and dark spots an efficient and easy to made home remedy for blackhead.

* Almond powder mixed with rose water and made into a fine paste. Now this paste is applied on black heads to see the marvelous results in black heads and other skin ailments.

* Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric and apply on the affected area. This is good blackhead remedy.

* Applications of beated white of egg on face and then wash it with luke warm water. After wards scrub your face dry with a clean towel. It helps in loosening of the black heads.

* Application of undiluted lemon juice 2-3 times a day on the affected areas will remove blackheads.

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Beautiful You & Home Remedies

Beautiful You  & Home Remedies


Contrary to popular belief, acne is not a skin problem that only adolescents and teenagers face. In fact, many adults have it as well. However old or young, a commonality between the two lies in finding the ultimate solution to solving this painful condition. Here are some economical home remedies for clear and glowing skin.

Garlic has well known antibiotic properties making it an excellent treatment for pimples and acne. Peel and mash eight cloves of fresh garlic and apply to face avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on for about 15 minutes and wash off with a warm cloth.

Dilute some lemon juice with water and dab on pimples to kill germs, cool inflammation and improve blood circulation.

To loosen and cleanse blackheads, make a paste of oatmeal, honey and an egg white. Apply to the skin, massage for 10 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.

A mask of grated apple mixed with a little honey is an excellent remedy for pimples. Most facial masks can be applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes then washed off with warm water, followed by a cold rinse.

Having a bad hair day? Well here are some tried and tested fixer uppers to have you looking like you just walked out of the salon. Let down your hair and do it in

Mix a teaspoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, then beat in an egg yolk. Massage on hair in small sections. Wrap head with shower cap for 30 minutes. Rinse and shampoo. This is a great treatment for keeping split ends away.

Instead of shampooing, massage handfuls of baking soda into the hair and scalp to absorb oil and to loosen dead skin on scalp. Rinse thoroughly, use no other shampoos. While initially the hair may seem dry, after several weeks, the dandruff will be gone and your hair will be smooth and shiny.

Cook an un-peeled potato in boiling water and let it cool slightly. Dip a pastry brush or cotton ball in the cooking water, cover and saturate hair, being careful not to get any on skin. Leave on hair for 20 minutes then rinse out. This rinse works over a period of time to subtly color and add highlights to the hair.


A person’s hands and nails say a lot about them. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to have them looking their best and neatest.

For making hands softer, put them in whole milk for five to ten minutes before beginning your manicure.

To avoid nails from splitting, always use a moisturizer after washing them. Also, take some vitamins to make the nails stronger.

Discolored nails can be avoided by applying a base coat on your nails before using colored nail polish. This stops the colored polish from being in direct contact with the nail which in turn causes yellowing.

Mix lemon juice in barley powder and apply on finger joints to get rid off the darkness. Do this twice a month and notice the difference.


Summer’s fast approaching and it’s time to put on those strappy sandals. Perk up spur feet and have them looking spotlessly clean by following a few tips.

For tired feet, put some salt in a bucket of lukewarm water and let them soak.

Use a pumice stone or scrubber regularly on the heels and soles of your feet. This will prevent calluses from forming.

Using a nailbrush regularly keeps the dirt and grime away, which usually causes smelly feet.

Never wear shoes while your feet are wet. Always wipe them dry, paying special attention to the area between your toes. Also, sprinkle some powder to deodorize them.

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Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Why should obese & over weight people lose weight?

Why should obese & over weight people lose weight?

Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison

Bad breath (halitosis)

Bad breath (halitosis)
Halitosis (bad breath) is mostly caused by sulphur-producing bacteria that normally live on the surface of the tongue and in the throat. Sometimes, these bacteria start to break down proteins at a very high rate and odorous volatile sulphur compounds (VSC) are released from the back of the tongue and throat. Halitosis is not infectious. About 2.4% of the adult population suffers from bad breath.

Causes of halitosis
Apart from the sulphur-producing bacteria that colonise the back of the tongue, the other major causes of halitosis are:
Dental factors – such as periodontitis (infection around the teeth) or poor oral hygiene
Dry mouth – caused by medicines, alcohol, stress or a medical condition
Smoking – which starves the mouth of oxygen.

Less common causes of halitosis include:
Acid and bile reflux from the stomach
Post-nasal discharge – for example, due to chronic sinusitis
Kidney failure, various carcinomas, metabolic dysfunctions, and biochemical disorders, together account for only a very small percentage of halitosis suffers
Foods - such as onions, garlic or cauliflower, which induce certain odours. However, these effects are only short-lived

Factors that affect the mouth and cause bad breath
Dental decay.
Gum disease.
Food stagnation between the teeth.
Dry mouth.
Excessive bacterial activity on the tongue, possibly due to postnasal drip (catarrh coming down the back of the throat from the sinuses and nasal passages).
Throat or tonsil infection.

Factors that affect the airways and cause bad breath
Foreign body.
Hindered air or mucus flow.
Bronchiectasis (dilation of the bronchi of the lungs, usually from previous infection).

Factors that affect the oesphagus and stomach and cause bad breath
Gastritis and food reflux.
Food stagnation

Symptoms of halitosis
The features of halitosis can include:
A white coating on the tongue especially at the back of the tongue
Dry mouth
Build up around teeth
Post-nasal drip, or mucous
Morning bad breath and a burning tongue
Thick saliva and a constant need to clear your throat
Constant sour, bitter metallic taste.
Having halitosis can have a major impact on a person. Because of bad breath, other people may back away or turn their heads. This can cause a loss of confidence and self-esteem.

Treatment of halitosis
There is no one treatment for halitosis. The treatment will depend on what is causing the problem. Avoiding dehydration and good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing, are important. Some mouthwashes, lozenges and toothpastes can assist in fighting halitosis.

Gentle but effective tongue cleaning may also be required. A variety of tongue brushes and scrapers have been produced in recent years. The tongue should be brushed in a gentle but thorough manner, from the back towards the front of the tongue, keeping in mind that the hardest to reach back portion smells the worst.

People with chronic sinusitis may find the regular use of a saline nasal spray helpful. A course of an antibiotic, effective against anaerobic bacteria (such as metronidazole, to reduce the overgrowth of sulphur-producing bacteria), may also help. Speak to your dentist, doctor or chemist to identify the cause of your halitosis and to find the most effective treatment for you.

What can you do for yourself?
Maintain a high level of oral and dental hygiene. In addition to brushing, it is important to clean between the teeth using dental floss, woodsticks or an inter-dental brush as recommended by your dentist or pharmacist.
Use a tongue cleaner and clean right to the back of the tongue.
Use a mouthwash recommended by your dentist or pharmacist. The best time to use it is just before sleeping.
Drink plenty of fluids, avoiding too much coffee.
Clean your mouth after eating milk products, fish and meat.
Chew sugar-free gum, especially if your mouth feels dry.
Eat fresh, fibrous vegetables.
Visit your dentist regularly and have your teeth professionally cleaned as required

Things to remember
Halitosis is caused by sulphur-producing bacteria in the tongue and throat.
The major causes include a dry mouth caused by certain foods, smoking, poor oral hygiene and a coated tongue.
The treatment of halitosis will depend on the underlying cause —

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The Psychology of Color!

The Psychology of Color!

#What colors to paint your home and why.

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Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

what antioxidant rich foods should you be eating?

Everyone talks about how great antioxidants are and how they fight free radicals. But how do antioxidants actually work and how do they help us? Plus, what antioxidant rich foods should you be eating?

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Eggplant (or talong, a Philippine vegetable) is loaded with vitamins and minerals and appears to play a vital role in managing and preventing serious conditions including Cancer and Type 2 Diabetes.

1. Prevents Cancer

Eggplant can provide many health benefits, including being important in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

1.1 Fiber
Eggplant has been found to be especially useful in the treatment of colon cancer due to the high amount of fiber found within eggplant. Fiber is important in the treatment of colon cancer because it is a relatively porous nutrient, and because of this, as it moves through the digestive tract, it has the tendency to absorb toxins and chemicals that can lead to the development of colon cancer. For best results, individuals who are interested in reducing their risk for the development of color cancer should be sure to include the skin of the eggplant during consumption. Research has found that the skin of eggplant may contain more fiber that the actual eggplant itself.

1.2 Chlorogenic Acid
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service found chlorogenic acid to be the dominant antioxidant compound in eggplant. They report that this is significant because chlorogenic acid has a great capacity to fight free radicals. It is also antimutagenic, which means it can protect cells from mutating into cancer cells; and it is also antimicrobial & antiviral.

1.3 Nasunin
Nasunin is an antioxidant compound found in the peels of eggplant. The August 10, 2005 issue of the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" reports that a study shows the nasunin in eggplant has anti-angiogenic abilities. The Cancer Center at the Angiogenesis Foundation explains that when something is angiogenic, it stimulates new growth of blood vessels and blood supply. Cancerous cells can gain angiogenesis ability, which means they can develop a means to increase their own blood supply, which can cause a cancerous mass or tumor to grow rather quickly. Nasunin in eggplant has the ability to prevent angiogenesis from occurring.

2. Promotes Weight Loss

As stated above, eggplant contains high amounts of fiber, making it a great food in the fight against cancer. But, the fiber found in eggplant has other uses–namely, its ability to be a useful tool for people who are trying to lose weight. Fiber is a relatively “bulky” food, meaning that is takes up a lot of room in the stomach. Therefore, by eating eggplant in a salad or appetizer before a meal, dieters are likely to have a greater feeling of satiety, and generally eat fewer calories (thereby achieving a substantial weight loss with time). In addition, fiber is slow digesting, and takes a long time to move from the stomach to the digestive tract. Because of this, the eggplant keeps dieters feeling full for a longer period of time–and therefore, they won’t be as tempted to snack between meals, which will again aid in weight loss.

3. Better Skin Tone

Finally, eggplant contains a high amount of water–and similarly, aside from fat and bone, our bodies are composed of almost primarily water. Water has important roles in a variety of pathways through the body, but has been found to be especially important in the maintenance of healthy skin and hair. Individuals who are dehydrated are more likely to exhibit hair that is thin, dry and has split ends, along with skin that appears to be flaky, dry, with a greater number of lines and wrinkles. Consuming adequate amount of water through either water itself or through food items such as eggplant can not only improve the quality of your hair and skin, but also the general performance of your body. For best results, eat the eggplant raw–research has found that cooking it removes some of the water that is so beneficial.

4. Prevents Cellular damage in Brain

Along with manganese, eggplant skin contains the antioxidant nasunin. A study in the journal "Toxicology" published in August 2000 found that nasunin from eggplants helped prevent cellular damage in the brains of rats.

5. Lowers Cholesterol

Chlorogenic acid in Eggplant is able to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.

6. Manages Type 2 Diabetes

The National Diabetes Education Program, Mayo Clinic and American Diabetes Association recommend an eggplant based diet as a choice for management of type 2 diabetes. The rationale for this suggestion is the high fiber and low soluble carbohydrate content of eggplant.

Study results indicate that phenolic-enriched extracts of eggplant inhibit enzymes that provide a strong biochemical basis for management of type 2 diabetes by controlling glucose absorption and reducing associated high blood pressure (hypertension).

Home Beauty Remedies Using Eggplant

Eggplant is well recognized as a low-cal, nutritious vegetable but you may be surprised to know that eggplant carries at least four beauty benefits too. Whether eaten or used externally on your body, eggplant is a universal application for beauty and well as health. Everywhere that the eggplant has gone, from early beginnings in Asia to the Middle East and Turkey to Europe, Russia, and Australia and the United States, this vegetable has served as a natural remedy used by health practitioners as well as by our ancestors.

Some food historians say the eggplant originated in India and others say it was first cultivated in China. Based on fifth-century scrolls in China, ladies in the higher echelons of society used the dark purple dye from eggplant skins to brush their teeth until they were shiny gray. Other stories abound, but here are at least four eggplant-based beauty recipes that have stood the test of time.

Beauty Benefit #1 – See Freckles Fade

Natural-beauty followers think that the eggplant can work wonders on freckles. The eggplant will not make freckles go away, but the observation has been made that, by applying eggplant to your skin, you will see your freckles fade. You should look for results to show up in about 10 days, if you do the following:

Wash your eggplant and then cut it up into pieces. Rub the pieces directly, and gently, in circular movements, on the face for 10 to 15 minutes.

Beauty Benefit #2 – Say Goodbye to Warts

Applying fresh eggplants to warts is an old home remedy that takes two ingredients: a thin piece of fresh eggplant big enough to cover the size of the wart and a bandage. Each night before you go to bed, take the piece of eggplant, cover the wart, and secure the eggplant covering with a bandage. Eventually, you may see that the wart peels off quite easily. If you apply the piece of eggplant over the wart every night, taking care to use a fresh piece of eggplant each time, expect to see results within two weeks.

Beauty Benefit #3- Regulate and Pamper Skin

Eggplant masks are regimens that beauty practitioners say are helpful especially to women with oily skin conditions. Make sure that you try this when you are not in too much of a hurry because, like most mask treatments, it is only effective if you leave it on your skin for about 20 minutes. Here is what you do:

Blend a large slice of eggplant (roughly, one-quarter of a small-sized eggplant) with its skin still on plus one cup of plain, unflavored yogurt in a blender. Spread it over your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Eggplant is also used to lighten age-spots, whether your skin is oily, average, or dry. Apply mashed eggplant pulp on your face and rinse with warm, not hot, water. Do this daily until you see some results.

Beauty Benefit #4 – Gently Treat Your Hair

Enzymes in the eggplant may help to stimulate hair follicles to more vibrant health. Eggplant may also help improve hair that has greasy buildup. Apply a chunk of fresh eggplant to your scalp and rub gently.

Eggplant Water Can Help Weight Loss

If you are bothered by a recent gain of some unwanted pounds, did you know that eggplant water can help weight loss? Shedding a few pounds is easier than you think. It’s a goal that can be met by shedding excess fluid retention, which also relieves that uncomfortable feeling of tummy bloat. Vegetables in general are known as nature’s “diuretics.” You may recognize that term because you have seen it used to describe “water pills, ” sold in drugstores, which are designed to flush out the body’s excess fluids. Drinking vegetable water can accomplish the same goal, naturally.

Natural foods are beneficial in removing retained fluid. For years, those wanting to just flush out toxins from their bodies for general well-being have tried drinking the excess fluid from greens, beets, carrots or cabbage. Drinking eggplant water is also attracting attention, since it not only works as a diuretic, but is so low-cal and nutritious.

Boil and Save

Eggplant is a popular vegetable with cooks worldwide (known in France and elsewhere as the aubergine). Chinese, French, Italian, Greek and Turkish are just a few of the cuisines that make generous use of this beautiful, tasty vegetable that is easily prepared when roasted, broiled or baked.

What exactly is eggplant water? The water is simply the byproduct of boiling the eggplant. Think of the process as playing opposites. Most of the time you boil your veggies and throw the water away. This time, you are removing the veggie and saving the water.

Here is what to do: wash the eggplant, cut it into small pieces, and boil for about five minutes. When that’s done, let it all cool off. Then, strain all the water out and keep the water. (Rather than discarding the eggplant, though, remember that it’s rich in fiber, folate, niacin and low in calories (only 33 calories for a full cup of diced eggplant). Place the water in the fridge until you’re ready to use it.


How many cups should you drink? An 8-ounce glass of eggplant water daily is often recommended; some eggplant-water enthusiasts claim they thrive on seven to eight glasses a day. The best course of action may be for you to do with what your body feels comfortable. Try a glass a day for starters and adjust upwards as you see fit.

Just remember: by drinking eggplant water as a diet aid, you are not losing fat, even if the scale shows that you are a few pounds lighter. You have just lost fluid, not the fat, and the loss is only temporary. Finally, it is always best to ask your doctor if you have any concerns or questions before beginning any new regimen to lose weight.

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Monday, 16 July 2012

this is Coca cola! ONE OF THE WORST DRINKS

Photo: this is Coca cola! 


Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison

Top 20 smartest foods on earth. These foods are known for their brain supercharging powers.

Top 20 smartest foods on earth. These foods are
known for their brain supercharging powers.
1. Avocado
2. Blueberries
3. Wild Salmon
4. Seeds
5. Coffee
6. Oatmeal
7. Beans
8. Pomegranate
9. Brown Rice
10. Tea
11. Chocolate
12. Oysters
13. Olive Oil
14. Tuna
15. Garlic
16. Eggs
17. Green Leafy Vegetables
18. Tomatoes
19. Cocoa Nibs
20. Oatmeal 

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Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison


Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison

Top 10 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight:

Photo: Top 10 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight:
1. Evaluate Your Eating Habits
Are you eating late at night, nibbling while cooking, finishing the kids' meals? Take a look around, and it will be easy to identify a few behaviors you can change that will add up to big calorie savings.
2. If You Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail
You need a strategy for your meals and snacks. Pack healthful snacks for the times of day whenthat you know you are typically hungry and can easily stray from your eating plan.
3. Always Shop With a Full Belly
It's a recipe for disaster to go into the grocery store when you are hungry. Shop from a prepared list so impulse buying is kept to a minimum. Eating right starts with stocking healthy food in your pantry and refrigerator and resisting impulse purchases of unhealthy foods.
4. Eat regular meals
Figure out the frequency of your meals that works best in your life and stick to it. Regular meals keep you feeling full, prevent dips in blood sugar.
5. Eat Your Food Sitting Down at a Table and From a Plate
Food eaten out of packages, while doing something like talking on the phone or reading, or while standing is forgettable. You can wind up eating lots more than if you sit down and consciously enjoy your meals.
6. Serve Food Onto Individual Plates, and Leave the Extras Back at the Stove
Remember, it takes about 20 minutes for your mind to get the signal from your belly that you are full. It can be helpful to fill a plate with your desired portion size and not put extra food on the table.
7. Eat Slowly, Chew Every Bite, and Savor the Taste of the Food
Try resting your fork between bites and drinking plenty of water with your meals. You'll slow down your eating time and allow yourself to feel full before you overeat.
8. Don't Eat After Dinner
This is where lots of folks pack on the extra pounds. If you are hungry, try satisfying your urge with a noncaloric beverage or a piece of hard candy. Brushing your teeth after dinner helps reduce the temptation to eat again.
9. If You Snack During the Day, Treat the Snack Like a Mini-meal
The most nutritious snacks contain complex carbohydrates and a small amount of protein and fat.
10. Start Your Day With Breakfast
It is the most important meal of the day. After a long night's rest, your body needs the fuel to get your metabolism going and give you energy for the rest of the day.

Top 10 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight:
1. Evaluate Your Eating Habits
Are you eating late at night, nibbling while cooking, finishing the kids' meals? Take a look around, and it will be easy to identify a few behaviors you can change that will add up to big calorie savings.
2. If You Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail
You need a strategy for your meals and snacks. Pack healthful snacks for the times of day whenthat you know you are typically hungry and can easily stray from your eating plan.
3. Always Shop With a Full Belly
It's a recipe for disaster to go into the grocery store when you are hungry. Shop from a prepared list so impulse buying is kept to a minimum. Eating right starts with stocking healthy food in your pantry and refrigerator and resisting impulse purchases of unhealthy foods.
4. Eat regular meals
Figure out the frequency of your meals that works best in your life and stick to it. Regular meals keep you feeling full, prevent dips in blood sugar.
5. Eat Your Food Sitting Down at a Table and From a Plate
Food eaten out of packages, while doing something like talking on the phone or reading, or while standing is forgettable. You can wind up eating lots more than if you sit down and consciously enjoy your meals.
6. Serve Food Onto Individual Plates, and Leave the Extras Back at the Stove
Remember, it takes about 20 minutes for your mind to get the signal from your belly that you are full. It can be helpful to fill a plate with your desired portion size and not put extra food on the table.
7. Eat Slowly, Chew Every Bite, and Savor the Taste of the Food
Try resting your fork between bites and drinking plenty of water with your meals. You'll slow down your eating time and allow yourself to feel full before you overeat.
8. Don't Eat After Dinner
This is where lots of folks pack on the extra pounds. If you are hungry, try satisfying your urge with a noncaloric beverage or a piece of hard candy. Brushing your teeth after dinner helps reduce the temptation to eat again.
9. If You Snack During the Day, Treat the Snack Like a Mini-meal
The most nutritious snacks contain complex carbohydrates and a small amount of protein and fat.
10. Start Your Day With Breakfast
It is the most important meal of the day. After a long night's rest, your body needs the fuel to get your metabolism going and give you energy for the rest of the day.

Feel Free To Leave Comments To My Posts,Its Always Nice To Get Feed Back!:) “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”~ Thomas Edison