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Monday 16 July 2012

Exercise makes you Smarter and Keeps the Brain Younger

Exercise makes you Smarter and Keeps the Brain Younger

Exercise makes you smarter 'by boosting energy levels in the brain'-study
Exercise may create an energy 'buffer' in the brain against age-related diseases suggest the finding of study that has been carried out on mice. However, the researcher’s claim that although it was an animal study, it was reasonable to assume the same processes occurs in human brains'.-Daily mail news.
We all are aware of the health benefits of exercise, and few days ago we have shared a study findings suggesting- Regular exercise improves memory and learning. Thus exercise not only improves physical fitness, it also helps to improve brain activity. Now in addition to that, one more study findings suggest that regular gym session could sharpen the mind the way it increases your fitness levels by making the muscles more resistant to fatigue.
Earlier research had shown that exercise stimulates the production of new Mitochondria- known as powerhouse. It is a structure present in the cells responsible for producing the energy in body- in muscles.  This process increases your fitness endurance while reducing the risk of obesity.
Recently, a team from the University of South Carolina have found that regular treadmill sessions also give a boost to the cell's powerhouses in the brain.
Researcher’s viewResearch leader, Dr Mark Davis said this energy boost helped the brain to work faster and more efficiently.
 'The evidence is accumulating rapidly that exercise keeps the brain younger,' Dr Davis told Scientific American.
In the short term he said this could reduce mental fatigue and sharpen your thinking in between gym sessions.
He added that building up a large reservoir of mitochondria in the brain could also create a 'buffer' against age-related brain diseases such as Alzheimer's.

StudyThe study was conducted on group of mice, where tissue samples examination suggest that running mice had a surge in mitochondrial development in the brain, with evidence of both new mitochrondria and increased signaling between the brain cells.
Twelve minutes of exercise a month can protect your heart and lower your risk of diabetes. Dr Davis said He added that a 30minute jog was the human equivalent to the workout that the mice completed.
The study is published in The Journal of Applied Physiology.

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