15 Great and Easy Home Tips !
If you thought that objects and food stuffs
has only one use, you'll be surprised by some of the new and effective uses
for storing, keeping fresh, quick solutions and cleanliness tips you'll find
How do you make tomatoes ripen faster?
How to neutralize the smell of onions? what you sprinkle the bottom of
the candle so you don't have to clean wax later? What is the
connection between citrus peel and brown sugar? 15 great tips!
An apple to make
tomatoes ripen
If you're tired of waiting and would like
to make your tomatoes ripe in half the time, put them in a bowl with an apple
or two, and cover them up with plastic wrap.
Beans for wax
fill up the candle house with a layer of
raw beans. It's not only a nice decoration, but the beans will also keep the
candle steady and capture the wax drops.
Toothpick on scotch
Mark the end of the scotch tape by rolling
it up with a toothpick at the end.
Orange Peel to
conserve moisture
Keep the moisture and softness of brown sugar
and prevent it from become rough lumps by adding a long and narrow orange
peeling into the sugar vessel. .
Coffee filter to
clean dust
Clean dust from the computer and television
screen using a coffee filter. You won't even have to get it wet to use it!
Paper cloth to clean the shower doors
Remove insistent soap accumulation from the
shower's glass doors by spraying a little water on a paper cloth, the kind
used for the dryer and cleaning doors.
Eggshells to clean
narrow places
Use a hard boiled eggshell to clean the
hard to reach areas of bottles, jars and vases. Throw a few pieces of shell
in the object, add hot water and a little bit of dish soap, and stir it well.
The shells will scrape off that hard-to-reach dirt.
Pillow cover to
clean the ceiling fan.
Slip an old pillow cover on the blades of
the ceiling fan and then pull it backwards quickly to draw all the dust and dirt
into it, without dropping them all over the floor.
Ginger to deal with
Calm down blisters and burns by swatting
some fresh ginger juice on the aching spot.
Lemon to clean a
After you've grated soft cheese or other
sticky foods, use half a lemon to get rid of the leftovers. Just use the soft
side of the lemon on both sides of the grater and you'll see how easily it
becomes clean again.
Nailpolish to fix a
loose button
Smear a thin layer of transparent
nailpolish on the center of the loose button, it will harden and keep it from
Onion to get rid of
the scent of mildew
Air out the smell of mildew from the
basement or the tool shed with onions. Cut an onion in half, put half of it
on a plate and leave it in the room for the night. The morning after, the air
in the room will be cleaner and you won't even smell the onion!
Vinegar and salt
against the smell of onion
However, you might be concerned of having
that pesky scent of onions on your hands. A combination of vinegar and salt
neutralizes the smell of onions. Mix the two materials and pour this on your
hands to rub together until the scent is gone. Then wash with soap.
Take a rough pumice and gently rub it on
any thick sweaters to get rid of little fibers and other junk.
Empty bottle
to stabalize boots
Use empty wine bottles to keep tall leather
boots stable, so they don't lose their shape in storage.
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