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Monday 14 May 2012



Boils are an infection of the skin caused most commonly by Staphylococcus. The hair follicles of the skin get infected. Boils are localized, inflamed, tender, pus-filled swellings in the skin surrounded by large red areas. Boils can either be an acute or a chronic skin ailment, depending on how long they last for. In an acute case, the boils are generally the result of a localized infection and can be treated with simple topical applications. Chronic boils on the other hand, last for much longer and are caused by severe infection and persistent infections. This type of an infection also requires stronger medication and may take a while to heal. It is important to treat an infection at the very onset of the symptoms to help reduce the recovery period and prevent scarring. Topical applications can be used in both types of infections as to help reduce the swelling and discomfort and promote healing. Boils are sometimes only symptoms of a more serious underlying health condition and so it is important to go for a complete physical examination if you suffer from boils on a regular basis. Sometimes, pimples and acne can be mistaken for boils and so it is important to determine the root cause and the exact nature of the skin condition before choosing a treatment method. Some types of boils are not contagious while others are extremely contagious and can even spread through the shared usage of personal items with an infected individual. It is better to avoid sharing personal items as a general rue to prevent skin problems. If you suffer from persistent outbreaks of boils, it would be advisable to talk to your doctor about what causes boils on the body or in specific areas such as on the inner thigh, the under arms, or on the buttocks, as this will help to prevent a recurrence of this problem. 

Boils treatment using Garlic and Onion

Garlic and Onions have been proved to be among the most effective home remedy for boils treatment among several other remedies. Onion juice or garlic juice may be applied on boils externally to ripen them, break and evacuate the pus. Juices of both these vegetables can be mixed in equal quantities and applied on the boil for beneficial results.

Boils treatment using Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd is also an effective home remedy for blood filled boils. To treat boils, a cupful of fresh bitter gourd juice can be mixed with 1 teaspoon of lime juice, sipped on slowly on an empty stomach everyday for a few days.

Boils treatment using Milk Cream

Milk cream remedy is useful in the treatment of boils. An excellent poultice for boils cure is, to apply a mixture of a teaspoon each of milk cream and vinegar with a pinch of turmeric powder. This helps to ripen the blood boils and heal them without letting them become septic.

Boils treatment using Betel Leaves

Betel Leaves treatment for boils is a valuable home remedy. A betel leaf is gently warmed till it softens. Coat it with a layer of castor oil. Spread the oiled leaf over the inflamed part. Replace this every few hours. After applying a few times, boil ruptures and drains out all the purulent matter.

Boils treatment using Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds are beneficial in the treatment of boils. Cumin seeds are ground to a paste in water. This cumin seed paste is applied to boils for beneficial results.

Boils treatment using Margosa Leaves

Margosa leaves have proven effective in treating boils. They can be either used as a poultice, liniment or decoction with positive results. To make the decoction, boil 15 gm of margosa leaves in 500 ml water till it is reduced by one-third.

Boils treatment using Parsley

For boils treatment, steep parsley in boiled water till it becomes soft and juicy. When it is comfortably hot, wrap it in a clean muslin or linen cloth and apply it on the boils as a poultice.

Boils treatment using Turmeric

Applying turmeric powder on boils speeds healing process. In case of fresh boils, roast a few dry roots of turmeric, dissolve the ashes in a cupful of water and then apply over the affected areas. This solution aids boils to ripen and burst.

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