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Monday 14 May 2012



Obesity is a physical condition that results from excessive storage of fat in the body. Obesity has been defined as a weight more than 20% above what is considered normal as per the body mass index, which is calculated from an individual's age, height, and weight. Presence of fat tissue is essential as natural energy reserve in our bodies. But excess fat tissues result in obesity and causes health disorders.

Obesity is measured by: Body Mass index (BMI), Waist Measurement and Combined Measurements .An obese person carries the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Obesity Symptoms

Watch out for increased waistline

In obesity, there is an increase in the size and the number of fat cells throughout the body. This causes a buildup of excess body fat.

One of the places where this excess body fat can most easily be seen is around the waistline. A waist measurement of 40 inches or more in men and 35 inches or more in women is linked to an increased risk for heart disease and other health problems associated with obesity.

Although Obesity has no specific symptoms, it contributes to other major health problems. An adult who is obese has an increased risk of complications from other diseases. These may include
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 diabetes
- Gallbladder disease
- Some types of cancer
- High cholesterol
- Stroke
- Osteoarthritis
- Sleeping and breathing problems
- Depression or other emotional problems
- Difficulty walking or moving around
- Heartburn
- Rashes in the folds of the skin
- Shortness of breath with exertion
- Snoring or sleep apnea

Obesity Causes

Overeating and Other Causes

Obesity may develop from a combination of factors. One key cause is over-eating as the intake of calories (the energy value of food) exceeds the requirements of the body over a long period of time. This excess energy is stored in the body cells in the form of fat and sugar and gives the individual the outward appearance of being overweight

Other key factors include: Genetic or hereditary traits including social, behavioral, cultural, and physiological factors, metabolic (the body's process of using energy) factors; and some medications that may contribute to the development of Obesity.

Here is a list of causes that are relevant in our times and important factors one must be wary of to avoid obesity:
- Inactive or Sedentary lifestyle
- A high glycemic diet. Such as a diet that consists of meals that give high postprandial blood sugar
- Weight cycling, caused by repeated attempts to lose weight by dieting
- Underlying illness such as hypothyroidism
- Genetic disorders
- Eating disorders such as binge eating disorder
- Stressful mentality
- Insufficient sleep
- Certain medications such as atypical antipsychotics
- Smoking cessation
- Genetic factors 

Home remedies for obesity

Obesity treatment using Lime Juice-Honey

Fasting on lime juice-honey water is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity. In this mode of treatment, one teaspoon of fresh honey should be mixed with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water and taken at regular intervals.

Obesity treatment using Trifala

Trifala, an herbal combination of amalaki, bibbitaki, and haritaki is good for losing weight.

Obesity treatment using Jujube

The leaves of jujube or Indian plum are another valuable remedy for obesity. A handful of leaves should be soaked overnight in water and this water should be taken in the morning, preferably on an empty stumach. This treatment should be continued for at least one month to achieve beneficial results.

Obesity treatment using Cabbage

Cabbage is considered to be an excellent home remedy for obesity. Recent research has revealed that a valuable chemical called tartaric acid is present in this vegetable which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. Substituting a meal with cabbage salad would be the simplest way to stay slim.

Obesity treatment using Tomato

One or two ripe tomatoes taken early morning as a substitute for breakfast, for a couple of months, are considered a safe method of weight reduction. They also supply the food elements essential to preserve health.

Obesity treatment using Finger Millet

Finger millet is an ideal food for the obese, because its digestion is slow and due to this, the carbohydrates take a longer time to get absorbed. By eating preparations made of finger millet, the constant desire to eat is curbed, thus reducing the daily calorie intake. At the same time, finger millet supplies an abundant quantity of calcium, phosphorus, iron, Vitamin B1 and B2 and prevents malnutrition in spite of restricted food.

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