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Friday 20 January 2012



Gynecomastia... is the development of abnormally large

 mammary glands in males resulting in breast 

enlargement....The condition can occur physiologically in 

neonates (due to female hormones from the mother), in 

adolescence, and in the elderly. In adolescent boys the

 condition is often a source of distress, but for the large 

majority of boys whose pubescent gynecomastia is not due

 to obesity, the breast development shrinks or disappears 

within a couple of years. The causes of common

 gynecomastia remain uncertain, although it has generally

 been attributed to an imbalance of sex hormones or the 

tissue responsiveness to them; a root cause is rarely

 determined for individual cases."

Exercise and Diet

Exercise can also reduce the symptoms of gynecomastia

. Building chest muscles can help reduce the size of the 

breast tissue. Diet is also important. You should eat foods

 low in fat. Reducing your overall body fat content will also

 reduce the amount of fat in your breast tissue. According to

 "Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics," combining an exercise

 regimen with a low-fat diet can effectively treat some of 

the symptoms of gynecomastia.

Weight lifting is a good way to lower your overall fat ratio,

 which can reduce the appearance of man’s enlarged 

chest/breast. Include lots of vegetables and fruit in your

 diet, and be sure to drink enough clean water, so that your

 cells can operate at peak efficiency when you start working


One exercise to include is the incline bench press. Lean back

 at a 45-degree angle and lift a barbell straight up ten times 

slowly. Rest and repeat this two or three more times. Use 

weight that is heavy enough to make your last few 

repetitions difficult, but not impossible.

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