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Friday 20 January 2012



Dieters often hear that the way to slim down involves 

reducing and burning calories. In short, diet and exercise.

 Individuals who wish to get their weight down have dozens

 of exercise and diet programs from which to choose. But 

sometimes the most effective beginnings involve small steps 

that people can take in their own homes to start reducing

 fat and reclaiming their health.

People usually try to reduce the fat that has accumulated in

 the tummy area, by eating less or even starving

 themselves. However, people stand less of a chance of 

being successful, by going on crash diets or fad diets

. Moreover, by following such a diet, people miss out on the 

essential nutrients that are required by the body. This could

 lead to some severe and adverse side effects that could 

have a long lasting effect on the body. 

Therefore, the best way to lose weight on the stomach area

, without exposing the body to any dangerous or harmful 

side effects, is by following a healthy and nutritious diet,

 combined with an effective and regular exercise routine. 

There are some people who also use home remedies to 

reduce fat on the tummy. These home remedies are known 

to be quite effective. However, it is important to realize that

 natural and healthy ways to lose weight do not promote 

rapid weight loss. For people who are grossly overweight or

 people who need to lose a lot of weight on the stomach

 area within a short period of time, other surgical procedures 

of weight loss may be considered. 

How to decrease tummy fat by dieting? 

Unfortunately, when people consider ways on how to reduce

 tummy at home, the first thing they tend to do is skip meals 

and eat less than what they normally do. However, skipping

 meals is the worst way to lose weight, as it deprives the 

body of required nutrients and could also lead to food binges 

later on in the day. Moreover, when people start eating 

normally, they may gain twice as much as they lost. Hence

, it is important to make a few healthy dietary changes

, which can be followed on a long term basis. A good and 

healthy weight loss diet focuses on the number of meals 

eaten a day, the portions of each meal as well as the foods 

that are included in the diet. 

For starters, instead of eating 2 or 3 meals in a day, a 

weight watcher should start eating 5 or 6 small meals in a 

day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which

 should also be the heaviest meal. The other meals should

 be a lot lighter especially dinner. A heavy breakfast should 

be followed by a light mid-morning snack, a moderate lunch, 

a light afternoon snack, an evening snack and then a very 

light dinner. Health conscious people generally consume 

fruit, nuts or beverages like smoothies, buttermilk, skim milk, 

juices and so on, when it is time for a snack. 

The manner in which food is cooked plays a very important 

role too. In order to reduce tummy naturally, fried food, junk 

food, processed food, instant food, foods containing refined

 flour, white rice and sweets should be strictly avoided.

 Instead people should opt for fresh salads (with minimal 

dressing), sandwiches made in brown bread and food that 

has been broiled, roasted or grilled. Unhealthy snacks like

 chips, cookies and other products that are high in salt 

should be replaced with fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meat, 

nuts, seeds and other whole grain products. It is best to 

consult a dietician, consuming any food on a regular basis. 

How to decrease tummy by exercising? 

Everybody is aware of the fact that exercising is absolutely 

essential for people of all ages. While exercises like walking,

 running, jogging, swimming and cycling are excellent for 

overall weight loss and toning up, they may not be very

effective for people who only want to decrease tummy fat. 

Therefore, when people look for exercises on how to 

decrease tummy size, most fitness experts recommend 

tummy crunches. Stomach or abdominal crunches can be 

performed in different ways, as there are several variations 

to them. Another exercise that is very easy to perform and 

can help reduce tummy naturally is the stomach vacuum. 

How to decrease tummy fat using home remedies? 

One home remedy to reduce tummy that has been 

recommended by several health experts too, is drinking a

 cup of warm water after every meal. However, this home 

remedy for reducing belly fat will not be very effective 

unless a few drops of lemon or honey are added to it. In 

fact, one of the first tips to reduce tummy naturally,

 recommended by any dietician is to increase the daily 

consumption of water. 

Several people are asked to go on a low-sodium diet in 

order to decrease tummy fat. However, it is not very easy to

 stick to a diet that consists of mainly boring and tasteless 

foods. Therefore, the use of certain taste enhancing herbs

 like oregano, basil and thyme could be another effective 

home remedy to reduce tummy fat. 

How to reduce tummy naturally after delivery? 

Women should avoid using any natural, herbal or even home 

remedies to reduce tummy after delivery, without consulting 

a doctor. Women who are nursing their babies should

 ensure that they do not start the weight loss process to 

early, or their babies could be deprived of the essential 

nutrients. Exercising too early or too vigorously could also 

have an adverse effect on the mother’s body. Therefore, it 

is best to consult a gynecologist for advice on how to reduce

 tummy naturally, after a delivery.



• Increase your consumption of water. A spokesperson for

 the Center for Research on Human Nutrition and Chronic 

Disease Prevention has noted that drinking water can

 decrease appetite and help cut calories.

Portion Size

• Reduce your portion size at mealtimes. Use smaller plates 

when you eat. People often fill up their plates automatically 

at meal times. When using a smaller plate, you have less

 room on the plate and you may end up eating less.


• Eat vegetables at each meal. Make it a habit to add

significant vegetable portions to each meal. Vegetables help

 to satiate the appetite and include almost no calories.

Reduced-Fat Food Items

• Use reduced-fat food items whenever possible. Milks

, yogurts, cheeses, luncheon meats and many other food 

items have low-fat alternatives that will prove satisfying and

 tasty. Experiment with different possibilities to see what you

Whole Grains

• Eat whole-grain foods instead of bleached or refined foods. 

The extra fiber provides needed vitamins and minerals and 

can help with weight management.

Physical Exertion/Exercise

• Put extra effort into any tasks that will allow you to burn

 extra calories. Take the stairs instead of an elevator or

 escalator, walk to the local market instead of driving, and

get a dog so that you will have to take him for plenty of 

walks. Look for opportunities to increase your physical


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