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Monday, 9 January 2012

The Roll of Enzymes in the Digestion Process and Beyond

Digestive Enzymes
The Roll of Enzymes in the Digestion Process and Beyond

What are Enzymes
Science has a difficult time here because this is new territory and enzymes are not easily explained.   Some of the roots of life are here and it is real difficult to put into scientific terms.   Enzymes are energized protein molecules that provide the catalyst for life force.   The force that they provide is involved in all functions of the body;   from basic movement, to the function of our organs, to the thoughts that come from our brain.   Without enzymes we cannot move, feel, hear, see, or think.   No living thing could exist in the world we know without them.   The hundreds of trillions of cells in our body all depend upon enzymes for function.   Think about this, if you are sick it is because you are deficient in enzymes.  
Just a Few Ways Enzymes Benefit Your Health and Wellbeing.
Digest proteins carbohydrates and fats
Assimilate and eliminate toxins
Digest fibroid tumors 

Increase size strength and activity of red blood cells making it possible to carry more oxygen to all parts of the body                                   Break up and dissolve uric acid crystals
Break up cholesterol plaque deposits in body
 Eliminate yeast Increase energy Increase the white blood cell size and activity
Reduce bacteria
 Stimulate the immune system Shatter crystalline deposits
 Raise T-Cell activity and production

Enzymes Digestion and EnergyYou can eat the most perfect energy producing foods in the world and without enzymes as a catalyst to release this energy, you will feel nothing.   It would be like mixing gasoline together with oxygen. These ingredients drive the engine of your car but without the spark from your spark plug the engine will not start, no energy.   Well enzymes are the spark that turns our food into energy without them we die.   Enzymes turn the food we eat into energy and unlock this energy for use in the body.   Their presence and strength can be determined by improved blood and immune system functions.   The three big ones are protease, amylase and lipase.   Protease digests proteins; amylase digests carbohydrates and lipase digest fats. These are the three key ingredients in a great digestive enzyme formulation.  So listen up, if you want peek energy eat lots of raw foods and add a supplemental enzyme combination like Pro-Enzymes to get full digestion, assimilation and energy metabolism.
Note: The exact opposite of this is to eat a fully cooked (above 112 to 118º Fahrenheit) and refined meal (cooking, refining and irradiation destroy enzymes) and take no enzyme supplement.   In this situation your body will try to digest the cooked meal by borrowing metabolic enzymes that your body intended to use for energy.   Your body will divert that energy to digesting the meal.   The result, you lose energy, you may gain weight and your genetic weaknesses become diseases.   Eating this way is a slow spiral downwards in the quality of your life and it will lead you directly to a chronic disease and an early death.
You can add enzymes (Pro-Enzymes) to your diet with supplements to boost the amount of enzymes and nutrition in your body.   If you raise the amount of enzymes, you increase the ability to digest and assimilate more nutrition from the food and the supplements that you take.   This in turn will raise your energy (metabolism), balance your weight and avoid chronic diseases.  
Adding supplemental enzymes (Para-Dysbio-Zyme) to your body also boosts your body’s ability to cleanse and detox itself because as excess enzymes move throughout your body they eat excess material (toxins, sludge and parasites).   This is the benefit of bringing in more enzymes (through supplementation) than are available in your diet or that your body produces.
Another benefit of supplemental enzymes is the reduction of pain and inflammation (Inflam-Enzymes).   Adding more enzymes to your body opens the door for the enzymes to reduce inflammation by cleaning the area where the injury/disease is.   In the area of an injury/disease, construction and demolition are taking place constantly to rebuild the area of the injury/disease.   During this process trash from the work builds up and this trash can lead to a slowing down of the healing process and more inflammation in the area.   Enzymes speed up this process dissolving the excess trash and encouraging the construction and healing of the injured/diseased area.   A back injury would be an excellent example of this process where the work is continuous, as the area is in the process of healing.   The more enzymes you bring into the area the faster the healing that takes place.
This use of enzymes (Nattokinase) can also be applied to the recovery from an operation.   A great deal of healing is taking place, and to speed the healing, enzymes will dissolve excess fibroid material (a protein material used by the body for healing; if allowed to build up, fibroids can inhibit healing).   Another danger of inflammation and fibroid buildup is adhesions which is where a connection forms at areas of inflammation. Adhesions can cause organs to stick together causing pain and malfunction of organs.   Enzymes can dissolve the fibroids that are a major cause of adhesions.   This in turn can ease up the inflammation and assist in the healing after the operation.
These same fibroid proteins appear in the uterus and breasts of many women around the world causing discomfort and malfunction of the uterine organs.   Inflammation occurs in the area of the uterus or breasts due to many reasons, poor physical health being the major root cause of diseases of the uterus.   One of these diseases is fibroid tumors. The main solution of modern medicine is removal of the tumor or complete hysterectomy. Both of these are a poor answer to the problem.  
The reason for the fibroid problem is not enough enzymes in the woman’s body.   The solution is to bring proteing digesting enzymes into the body and excess fibroid problem is digested while the health of the woman is improved.   Natural healing is always simple; common sense, inexpensive and nonintrusive while improving the health of the person.
Nattokinase is capable of directly activating pro-urokinase (endogenous) and decomposing fibrin protein. Nattokinase assists in the body’s fibrinolytic activity, supports cardiovascular health, and supports heart circulation. Some have found it helpful clinically when chronic deep aches present (presumably due to its enzymatic activity).
Inflam-Enzymes  Many people have inflammation in the discs of their back, their muscles, and various joints in the body. In addition to pain, inflammation can result in damage to soft tissues. And while there have long been products with mineral, products with enzymes, and products that combine both, Inflam-Enzymes appears to be the first 100% Food product to do both (products from other manufacturers typically include mineral salts, hence they are not 100% Food). This product was designed for chiropractors and other doctors interested in relieving back and soft tissue discomfort.
Pro-Enzymes contains a combination of enzymes, herbs, and probiotics to improve the digestive processes. Oral consumption of digestive enzymes, digestive herbs, fiber, and probiotics have all been shown to improve digestion
Para-Dysbio-Zyme (Anti-parasitic) Enzymes are highly selective in their action; here we have one that digests the insect protein (chitin) without correspondingly affecting the human tissue.  The plants apparently use these enzymes in their self-defense against insects. Products containing plants such as fig powder and almonds have long been recommended for intestinal complaints where parasites could be a factor.
Prescription for Nutritional Healing, James Balch, M.D. and Phyllis Balch, CNC, Avery Books 2000
Enzymes The Fountain of Life, D.A. Lopez, MD, R.M. Williams, MD PhD, K. Miehlke, MD,
Understanding Digestion, Elaine Newkirk ND, New Life Nutrition Inc. 2007.
Important Note: Healing Crisis In Naturopathic medicine when someone does healthy things for themselves like eating lots of raw foods, drinking lots of fresh vegetable juices, cleansing and detoxing their body they can experience what is called a Healing Crisis.   A Healing Crisis is also called Herxheimer Syndrome and also Die Off Syndrome; Chiropractors call it “Reaction to Treatment.”   What happens is the body uses the energy from the positive things you are doing to expel toxins and pollutants, to kill viruses, parasites and germs.  
Your body will also use this energy to repair areas of the body where there has been a traumatic injury that still needs to be healed which could be anything from a car accident to pneumonia.   When the crisis occurs you could feel something as simple as a little weak or dizzy or you may feel sick and nauseated like you have the flu. You may find a lot of mucus is leaving your body with a lot of coughing and runny nose; you could see parasites in your stool, etc.   Keep in mind that this is an excellent sign, that what you are doing is having a positive effect and that toxins, pollutants, heavy metals, germs, viruses, parasites are leaving and vital repairs are being made to your body.   The crisis can last anywhere from a few hours to possibly three days.  
The best thing you can do to help your body through this is by drinking more distilled water, more detox teas and fresh juices and also take in more Earth’s Nutrition and Bountiful Blend to speed up the process.   Once the healing crisis ends your body and immunity will take a very powerful step forward and you will find new energy, clearer thinking, and a very powerful resistance to all diseases.   But, if you feel you need to see a doctor because of what you are feeling then by all means do not hesitate to do so.

Important Note:Also be sure you check all the medications that you are taking for what are called contraindications.   This is a list of things you want to be aware of before you start taking a supplement or herb.   If you are unsure then be sure you check with your attending physician.

Important Note:
The information presented herein by The Natural Path Botanicals is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
Are enzymes destroyed in stomach acid?
If you had asked if cooking destroys enzymes I would have answered, “yes it does but not the stomach acid.”   Nature is much smarter then that, it is man that creates the digestive problems we have.
There are a couple of reasons why stomach acid does not destroy the enzymes before they can be used to digest the food.   One, after you swallow your food and it enters the stomach there is a pause of 30 to 60 minutes called pre-digestion where the food just sits in the stomach.   This pause in the warm environment (colds drinks are a problem here) of the stomach allows the enzymes from the saliva, food and supplements (enteric coated not a good idea here unless meant for small intestine) to begin the process of breaking down the food before stomach acid even enters the picture.
When the acid does enter the stomach there are some enzymes that are destroyed but most are not.   There are also enzymes that are temporarily inactivated but begin working again when the stomach digestion is complete and they enter the small intestine.   They along with all the enzymes in the food join with the enzymes excreted from the pancreas in the small intestine.   Here in this warm environment these combined enzymes completely break down the food to a molecular particle level where they can be absorbed by the intestinal villi.   The above just proves that nature has worked this out from the beginning through the process of evolution.
Plus, plant based enzymes are chosen by the supplement industry for their ability to secret acid-stable enzymes.   The industry, laboratory tests these enzymes for their ability to work in a range of 2 to 9 pH with no loss of strength.  

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