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Saturday, 7 January 2012

Preventaion and common tips

Preventaion and common tips

  • To control hair loss apply the paste of hibiscus petals (take some petals of hibiscus grind it in mixer) on scalp for an hour and wash it or use Jaborandi oil that is an extract of hibiscus flower. Massage of hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing is known to control hair fall.
  • To have clear complexion it is advisable to apply the mixture of equal amoun of Cucumer juice and Lime juice on your face. Wait for 10-15 minutes and wash your face. It will greatly help to improve complexion. you can do it twice a week.
  • Soak some methi seeds in night and in the morning make the paste of the seeds.Apply it to your scalp. After 1½ - 2 hrs rinse it with plane water. This will strengthen your hair and make them dark and shiny.
  • Make a puree of 4 tomatoes. Soak some rice for 30 minutes and grind it coarsely. Add this to the pureed tomatoes. Apply this mixture all over the body and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Bathe with warm water; this is a good scrub recipe for oily skin.
  • Tomatoes are Anti-Oxidant hence including tomatoes in your daily diet will make your skin Wrinkle Free. And using the paste of one day old curd with a tomato and applying it to your skin will make your skin soft. Also, if your skin is oily then applying the tomato pulp on your face for 15 min. then rinse your face with warm water. This will absorb extra oil from your skin and improve your complexion.
  • Gargling with warm water and pinch of salt after brushing everyday helps to control throat pain.
  • Paste made of 1tbspoon honey and pinch of Haldi (turmetic) taken twice a day helps children and adults as well to control the progress of throat infection.

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