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Saturday, 7 January 2012

Simple ways to Improve your Stamina

The word stamina represents endurance or the power to withstand hardship or stress. In todays fast life, running around and catching up with all the, day-to-day activities often requires a lot of stamina-strength, it helps you to stand against the long periods of stress, however, with age it tends to decrease. It becomes important to maintain stamina through healthy habits. Usually inactivity kicks in once we become adults; we do not run around play football anymore, that’s when we tend to become lazy. As we age our stamina goes on decreasing. Stamina is needed to cope up with the rigors and challenges of physical activity. Lack of stamina or low stamina can cause fatigue, reduces energy levels, will make you fall asleep sometimes nausea, uneasiness, and an urge to stop. We are now living a fast paced lifestyle where, it has become increasingly difficult to focus on our body; we compete with everyone and sometimes even with ourselves to perform better and better at work and at home.
Great amount of endurance or stamina is required in order to excel in all the activities we continuously perform.
Here are a few ways to maintain and improve stamina which will help you perform better!
Recognize the need and plan on doing something: Determination is the key; realize that there is a need for you to increase stamina, put a plan in place, set some goals, start small and move up gradually.
Switch to healthy ways of eating: Switching to healthy food for example switching to lean meat and fish, whole wheat instead of white bread, baked potatoes instead of French fries, have eggs in breakfast- do not skip breakfast. Avoid junk food, sugary drinks instead eat a lot of fresh fruits and leafy green vegetables. Drinking a good quantity of water, will keep you hydrated.
Get sound refreshing enough sleep: Sleep is very essential part; as an adult we need to have at least 6-8 hours uninterrupted sleep. Sleep gives us the required energy to keep up with the day-to-day activities. Avoid oversleeping.
Do things a little different than normal: Take a break every hour at work for five to seven minutes if possible, go for a quick ten minute walk during lunch time in office hours. Take a short twenty to thirty minute naps during weekends. Using a public transport instead of driving own car for transportation can help you to maintain stamina.
Start a something new: Start walking at first and gradually increase the distance, miss the bus and walk to the store, take the stairs and avoid the elevator. Start jogging, or swimming this will help you increase your stamina and also help you keep fit. Cycling is a good way to go many more places faster. If there is a facility to learn a new sport, grab the opportunity and learn the new sport, any activity can help you improve your stamina.
Plan a weekend activity: Playing with your kids outdoors, helps you to spend some good quality time with the kids as well, go trekking on weekends and during holidays, go for a walk with your family members instead of watching television for long hours. During summer try swimming with the kids, this is a good activity and helps to gain endurance.
Feel good: Donating your time at the local community service or an orphanage or an elderly home, leaves you feeling good form the inside. Join a yoga class if you have the facility as this helps you gain the desired stamina and keeps your body fit. Joining a dancing class, learning a new way to dance with music can help you relax and help you boost stamina as well.
Building the required stamina can be a major factor in our ability to improve our performance. Good amount of stamina can help you achieve success in day-to-day activities and can leave you feeling happy and healthy.

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