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Sunday 5 February 2012


Orange Health Benefits :
The orange fruits belong to citrus family of plants, which are delicious and sweet in taste and cultivated as commercial crop in tropical regions of the world, available throughout the year.
The orange fruits consist of many essential minerals such as selenium, potassium, copper, zinc, Phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, calcium and iron and vitamins namely, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, Vitamin E. Vitamin C, Vitamin A, all contribute to good health. An orange fruits contain as much as 60 flavanoids, more antioxidants and 170 various phytonutrients, are found to be effective against anti inflammation, anti cancer and other health disorders.
The phytochemical compound known as D-limonene present in orange fruits effectively prevents mouth cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer whereas Vitamin C clears off free oxygen radicals. The presence of flavanoids such as pectin and hesperidin considerably reduces LDL cholesterol, thus regulates hypertension or high blood pressure.
Orange health benefits
Orange health benefits
Orange nutritional benefits  are as follows; the presence of folate, dietary fiber and hesperidin improves the entire function of cardiovascular system, while another chemical known as cinnamon gives relief from inflammation and acts as a cure for arthritis.  It has been advised by the doctors that a glass of orange juice lowers the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.
Orange health benefits include, the presence of folate and folic acid make the sperm active and healthy and good for brain development also. The presence of Vitamin C, improves WBC’ Count in blood, thus protects from various infections by improving immune system and blocks the formation of calculus in kidneys. As it is low in calories, but rich in dietary fiber reduces weight gain and also keep the skin glowing and healthy. The consumption of orange juice daily or very often is proven to be more beneficial for the people who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cancer, constipation, heart related problems, kidney related disorders, stomach related disorders, common cold and flu, viral infections, reproductive related disorders and skin related disorders.
It has been found effective against anti viral infections and also relieves constipation with the intake of glass of orange juice daily as it is good source of dietary fiber. Regular consumption of oranges help to get relief from gastric ulcer disorders, it improves the function of digestive system and the presence of calcium strengthens bone and teeth.

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