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Sunday 5 February 2012


Breadfruits Nutrition facts :
Breadfruits have similarities with breadnut, figs, and jack fruits, grown in tropical countries namely India, Sri Lanka, Philippines and Indonesia.  During the season a single tree gives 100 fruits weighing 1 to 5 per fruit. These fruits are very similar to Jack fruits.
Breadfruits nutrition facts are as follows ; Breadfruits are rich in calories, carbohydrates, sucrose, fructose, and glucose and the pulp of  these fruits provide more dietary fiber than jack fruits. Breadfruits provide bulk laxative action and effective to prevent absorption of cholesterol, thus lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, give relief from obesity, protects colon mucous membrane and thus eliminating chemicals that causes cancer of colon.
breadfruits nutrtion facts
Breadfruits nutrition facts
Breadfruits have small amounts of lutein, xanthin, which are flavonoid antioxidants clears off free radicals in the blood. In addition to these antioxidants, it also posses proteins, dietary fiber and minerals like Phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc, sodium, Iron and manganese and vitamins namely, Vitamin B6, B1,B2, Folate, Pantothenic acid, Niacin, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin K which are all micro nutrients that are essential to the body for its vitality and maintaining good health.
Ascorbic acid, Vitamin C present in this fruits removes free radicals in the blood, which is a water soluble antioxidant and improves immune system and gives protection against infections. Especially copper and potassium along with other minerals present in these fruits are known to regulate blood pressure and heart rate.
Breadfruits are highly nutritious as these fruits provide more health benefits such as, prevents constipation, prevents cardiovascular disorders thereby provides heart health which is due to the presence of antioxidants, prevents cancer related problems as the phyto nutrients present in these fruits effectively eliminates harmful chemicals that likely to cause cancer in the colon of the digestive system thereby provides protection from colon cancer.
To conclude, It is one of the best fruit to be added to the diet for keeping good health.

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