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Saturday, 4 February 2012




Eat fibre rich foods

drink lots of 10 to 12 glasses of lukewarm water.

 Avoid cold or chilled water.

drink warm milk with pinch of haldi n 1 tbsp 

honey at bedtime.

drink lukewarm water with 2 tbsp ispagol, 1 tbsp

 honey n drops of lime before breakfast in the


exercise n walk daily

eat fresh fruits like oranges etc n green leafy 


eat 2 figs (injeer) twice a day with a glass of 

warm milk.

• Drink a glass of warm milk before going to 

bed. In case of severe constipation mix two 

teaspoons of castor oil in the milk

• Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water

 two to three times a day eases constipation.
• Add a little extra sugar or some honey to a

 glass of milk and drink it twice a day. It is also a 

• Soak one date (seed removed) overnight in

 half a cup of water. In the morning mash the

 date with water and remove the pulp. Take one

teaspoon of this water three or four times a day.

• Drink a solution of 1/2 tsp honey in 1/2 cup 

warm water 2-3 times a day to cure 

• Mix 1/2 cup olive oil with 1/2 cup orange juice 

and drink to cure constipation

• Drink one liter of warm water and walk around 

for a few minutes early morning.
• Take 3 tsp of psyllium husk ( Isabgol) in milk

or warm water at bed time. It is also good for

 constipation relief.
• Add plenty of fruits, vegetables and salads in

 your diet. Chew food thoroughly and eat only 

when hungry.
• Regular physical exercise is also important for 

maintaining proper bowel movements.

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