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Saturday, 4 February 2012




• A proper diet is vital. Make sure you take a diet 

that is high in vitamins, minerals, calcium,

 proteins, fibers and zinc. Eat lots of fresh green

 leafy vegetables and fruits. Drink milk regularly 

to increase thickness of your bones. These foods 

not only help in increasing height, but also are 

important for good health. 

A good way to get protein is from lean meats, 

milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs and soy products.

 You can also use a protein supplement with milk .

Calcium is available in all milk products and

 spinach is also a very good source. So make 

sure your child gets at least two servings of 

dairy every day and one serving of spinach

* Drink warm milk with a pinch of haldi at 


* Keep THE diet balanced with lots of milk,

 cheese, fish, chicken, vegetables especially 

green leafy ones, fresh fruits, nuts, cereals n 

pulses (daals) etc.

Height Increase Food:


(i) Carbohydrates

Wheats, sugar, grain cereals, and sweet fruits.

 Vegetables are deficient in carbohydrates

(ii) Proteins

Cheese, fish, eggs, milk, pulses, soyabeans, food


(iii) Fats

Saturated and unsaturated fats like vegetable 

oils, butter, darified butter, corn, sunflower,

coconut oils. Vegetables do not contain any fat 


(iv) Vitamins

‘A’, ‘B’ complex, C, D, E, K etc.

(v) Calcium

Milk is the best source of calcium

(vi) Minerals

Iron, Phosphorus, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium,

 Manganese, etc.

(vii) Dietary Fibre

Available in plenty in wheat germ, cereals,

 unpolished/unhusked wheat, rice, millet, Barley,

 pulp of fruits, leafy vegetables.

vii) Zinc

• Zinc helps in cell production, the growth and 

repair of body tissue. It cleans up free radicals,

 building new cells, and producing energy from 

other nutrients
• A zinc deficiency can be dangerous, leading to

 digestion problems and deficiencies in other 

• It's found in seafood, beef, chicken, egg, milk, 

green vegetable, nuts, cereals and whole-grain 

These are no miracle diets. They also must be

 accompanied by various exercises. 

• A sound sleep is important. It is the time 

where the brain is much relaxed and higher 

levels of growth hormone is released. A tired 

brain will often inactivate pituitary gland and

 cause the less release of human growth 

hormone. Thereby, leading to reduced height. A 

minimum of 8 hours sleep is required. 

• Involve in outdoor activities such as swimming

 and cycling, as they aid in adding height. These

activities help to tone your muscles and there is

 an overall improvement in fitness levels and 

personality. Basket ball, tennis and skipping help

 in increasing your height to a large extent. So,

 follow them regularly for best results.



One of the most popular ways of increasing

 height is through indulging in stretching

 exercises like pull ups. Though the results take

 time to be fully visible, the exercises are 

effective nevertheless. A person can increase his

 height upto 3 inches by doing these exercises.

Yoga has also been found to be helpful for

 height increase.

The bone structure must remain elastic if one is

 to become taller. One must take exercise 

regularly. I suggest the following exercises will 

help one gain height:

(i) Stand in an open space in "attention"

 position. In hale deeply through the nose and 

extend yours arms lifting then slowly up to your 

shoulders. Keep your arms straight. Hold that 

position for some time and then take the arms

 backwards as far as they will go. No inhale 

again the release your breath slowly, resuming 

the former position.

(ii) Stand with your arms straight at right angles

 to your body. Lift the arms vertically and then

 bring them to the level of the shoulders. Do not 

exhale in the process, but stand on your toes,

 lifting your heels as far as they will go. Exhale 

slowly after some moments and resume the 

earlier position.

(iii) Extend your arms forward up to the level of 

the shoulders. Inhale and fill your lungs to about

 one-third of their capacity. Wait for a few 

moments and then take your arms above your

 head. Now move them in a circular motion-

taking them behind your back and in the former 

position again. Exhale slowly.

Upside down hanging works wonders to 

lengthen not only your back, but also your legs.

 manage to get a good position and strap your

 legs good enough to hang vertically,. . Don't 

hang longer than 20 minutes at a time as that 

may damage your back.

V)Swim More Often

The free motion of swimming is very light on

 your body and greatly releases stress, which

 can prevent your body from growing. Try to 

swim as much as possible, 3 times a week is 


Vi) Cycling

* Make sure you get to stretch a lot. Stretching

exercises like yoga, basketball, and pushups ( 

although these may be tough to do at first) will 

all help stretch her spine. Other activities like 

swimming, cycling, kicking, jumping and 

skipping will thicken cartilage and increase bone


There are thousands of people in this world who

 are unhappy with their height and are looking 

for ways to increase it. Some people have a

 tendency to think that unless they have a good 

height, they will not be able to command 

respect, and thus, they have an inferiority 

complex because of their short height. If you too 

happen to be one of them, or do not wish your 

kids to suffer from such an inferiority complex,

 then it is time that you look for some home 

remedies to increase height.

Home remedies are safe and can give good

 results for height increase. However, one thing

 that one must definitely stay away from is 

surgeries that guarantee you height increase 

along with pills and tonics available in the 

market for the same. You must understand that

 your body has a specific pattern of natural 

growth, and when you indulge in consumption 

of pills and tonics, or take up treatments and 

surgeries, you are in a way messing with your

 natural growth system. This can lead to several 

permanent as well with devastating results.

Don't trust any of the tonics and tablets on the 

market that will promise to make you taller. The 

only thing that will help is a good planned diet 

supplemented by stretching and aerobic 

exercises. Finally if you do not grow to be tall, it

 really does not matter. Beauty comes in various 

shapes and sizes. 

Psychological training and motivation about the 

fact that even short heighted people are a part 

of the society and gain respect are also 


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