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Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Barley Nutritional Benefits:
Barley is similar to wheat berries in appearance and amazing whole grain cereal with flavor that resembles nuts with chewable taste and pasta like consistency. Barley is naturally rich source of maltose and carbohydrates etc. Barley is classified into different varieties as per processing, which are hulled barley, scotch barley, pearl barley, barley grits and barley flakes. Barley is commercially cultivated in throughout the world especially in Unites States of America, Canada, Russia, France, and other European Countries. Barley is regarded as staple food item since ancient times for the population of the above countries and in other parts of the world. Now Barley is being used all over the world as one of the food items for its nutritional and health benefits.
Nutrients found in barley are, it is very rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and zero cholesterol, dietary fiber and with high content of calories that provide energy, and minerals like, manganese, selenium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, and calcium and Vitamins namely, Vitamin C, Vitamin, E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B complex constituents like niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, folates, and B12, Vitamin B6, and antioxidants, phytochemicals, all contribute to promote general health and wellness.
Barley Nutritional Benefits include that of; Whole Barley grains or Cereals are classified as good carbohydrate foods that produce proven health benefits for the people suffering from degenerative diseases. Barley when added to diet it provides amazing health benefits such as, due to the presence of butyric acid in dietary fiber of barley, it promotes the multiplication of friendly bacteria, which in turn keeps the intestine and colon healthy and removes harmful bacteria. The dietary fiber helps to increase the production of propionic acid and acetic acid that minimizes the activity of HMG-CoA reductase that is responsible for the production of cholesterol in liver, thereby reduces the cholesterol levels in the blood stream.
Due to the presence of B Complex Vitamin constituents like niacin and other antioxidants, it eliminates free oxygen radicals, prevents clotting of blood, lowers LDL Cholesterol, prevents gathering of platelets together, thereby prevents Cardiovascular Disorders, prevents atherosclerosis, regulates glucose levels, prevents diabetes, prevents Ischemic stroke. Barley is very effective against the formation of gall stones in gall bladder due to the presence of insoluble dietary fiber. The presence of phosphorous, copper and calcium promotes the healthy bones, prevents osteoporosis, prevents arthritis, prevents rheumatoid arthritis and provides relief from joint pains as it promotes the activity of lysil oxidase that cross links elastin and collagen, which maintains flexibility of joints and bones and keeps the bones healthy.
Due to the presence of phytochemicals, antioxidants, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, it improves metabolism, improves digestion, prevents gastro intestinal disorders, regulates bowel movement, prevents constipation, lowers risk of colon cancer and provides relief from hemorrhoids. As this cereal contains plant ligans, which is being converted into mammalian ligans by the flora present in intestines, that aids to prevent many cancers and prevent heart stokes. Barley has been proved that it substantially reduce the risk of contracting Diabetes and Hypertension, heart disorders,  respiratory disorders like Asthma, Cancers, when this is taken as one of the food items.
Barley grass is generally taken as juice to get more health benefits. Barley grass contains organic sodium that dissolves calcium deposits on joints, in addition to the essential vitamins and minerals and the main constituent, chlorophyll. Barley grass juice improves digestion, as it stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Barley grass juice eliminates toxic substances from the body, and helps to lose weight, regulates glucose levels, prevents diabetes, cures ulcers, prevents heart disorders, improves overall general health, as it posses more content of   significant micro and macro phytonutrients, other than Barley and other cereals.
To conclude, as barley contains Gluten, that may cause allergic reactions in some people, but it is safe food for the majority of people. People with allergic reactions, should take this food with caution. Taking into account the potential nutritional and health benefits, barley is regarded as staple food and the many varieties of food preparations are made out of barley, such as barley soups, barley recipes, barley water, barley juice, and dishes. Barley can be taken as one of the food items, as it aids to keep many health disorders at bay. The information cited above is only for educative purpose and to create awareness about barley nutritional facts and benefits and should not be taken as alternative for diagnosis and treatment of various health disorders.

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