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Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Blackberries Prevent Cancer:
Blackberries are cluster of fruits containing many drupelets, each drupelet having separate seed and skin, having pectin and dietary fiber, which are mainly grown in thorny bushes and cultivated in tropical regions of Africa and Asia.
Blackberries can be taken as fresh raw fruits and also available in canned and frozen form in the market. Juices, jams and desserts are also prepared out of these fruits. Blackberries are highly enriched with Multivitamins, Multiminerals and antioxidants with best nutritious qualities and it has low content of fat, proteins, carbohydrates and calories. Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorous, Manganese, Sodium, Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Copper and Calcium and Vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Vitamin E are also found in Blackberries.
Blackberries prevent Cancer
Blackberries prevent Cancer
Anthocyanins give dark color to this fruits, as an antioxidant it lowers inflammation and eliminate free oxygen radicals which harm cells that leads to cancer, It has been found by the researchers that ellagic acid in blackberries gives protection to immune system and reduces the risk for developing cancer such as esophageal cancer and phenolic acids gives many health benefits as antioxidants, acts non carcinogenic agents as it eliminates oxygen free radicals and thus blackberries prevents cancer.
Blackberries are rich in Vitamin C which improves immune system and acts as an antioxidant together with anthocyanins provides anti inflammatory action, eliminates free radicals in blood stream, and thus lowers risk of heart disease, fights illness, promotes healthy digestion.
Ellagic  acid present in Blackberries gives protection from the ultraviolet rays that cause damage to the skin and works as an antioxidant along with vitamin C which heals wounds on the skin. The presence of cyaniding-3 glucoside found in blackberries prevents skin cancer and inhibits the spreading and growth of cancerous tumor and thereby blackberries effectively prevents many types of cancers.
Blackberries are rich in Vitamin C, antioxidant provides immunity from diseases prevents macular degeneration, is condition of deterioration of fine vision and loss of central vision causing blindness. It can be avoided with the use of Blackberries, so it is good for eye health.
The presence of Phytoestrogens in Blackberries relieve common symptoms of PMS like, food cravings, bloating, hot flashes and menopause symptoms and thus it is beneficial for women’s health.
The high content of dietary fiber present in blackberries helps the digestion, regularizes the bowel movement and makes it smooth thus relieves from constipation, thus decreasing the risk against colon cancer.
One third of daily recommended dietary fiber available with blackberries and its steady movement in digestive tract allows  to break down complex carbohydrates into its components and thus maintains the blood glucose levels at normal range, and both extreme levels of glucose in blood  be avoided.
Blackberries are rich in Vitamin K which prevents the clotting of blood and helps for absorption of calcium.To conclude, blackberries are good for overall health.

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