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Sunday, 12 February 2012

Simple Natural Remedies For Menopause To Relive Again

There are various natural remedies for menopause to avoid going in for hormone replacement therapy. If one is not on HRT, there are many herbs, vitamins and other nutrients which help in managing the menopause symptoms and ward off osteoporosis along with heart disease.

A Few Natural Supplements To Counter Menopause


Studies have found that a combination of vitamin E and bioflavonoids helps in fighting hot flash. It found that 50% of the 94 women who have been taking 1200 mg of bioflavonoid and 400 IUs of vitamin E twice a day, had reduced and light hot flashes. Vitamin B is best in preventing vaginal dryness, fighting infection and stress and improving the liver function.
Vitamin A or beta carotene should be taken to keep the skin from drying and for vaginal drying. It helps in maintaining the tissue, skin and mucous membranes, which take place due to the estrogen level going down. An intake of Calcium, potassium and magnesium daily helps to ward off osteoporosis, fight fatigue and boosts energy.


Soy is one of the best natural remedies for menopause, as it contains a host of nutrients which help in dealing with early menopause. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids, is rich in phytoestrogen, iron, calcium, folic acid and other minerals and vitamins. Recent studies have found it to be very effective in reducing night sweats, hot flushes and low energy during this period. This wonderful food lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease as well. Ideally, 25 grams of soy should be taken each day for the best results.


Flaxseeds are high in phytoestrogen and omega-3 and helps in fighting breast cancer, heart disease, minimizes hot flash and lowers cholesterol. It is also known to reduce heavy bleeding during menstruation, which is a common symptom in the perimenopause years. Sprinkling ground flaxseeds on yoghurt, cereals, salads and any other food is the ideal way to have this wonderful seed.

Red clover

Red clover contains phytoestrogen as well as bioflavonoids and is known to combat all the symptoms of menopause like osteoporosis, hot flash and heart disease.

Black Cohosh

This herb is one of the most popular natural remedies for menopause and known to cut down many of the symptoms, from hot flash to cramping and other irregularities which occur during this period. 20 to 40 mg of this herb twice a day is recommended by studies conducted on it, which seems to help in reducing vaginal drynesshot flash, depression and anxiety.
Physical activities should be introduced, if one has not been following any sort of exercise regimen, since it keeps the metabolism active. This in turn helps in reducing any mental problems like depression, stress and anxiety, and of course one can lose the unwanted weight gained during this period.
A healthy diet which include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, cold water fish and drinking the right amount of water is very beneficial during this period. Along with this diet, yoga, tai chi and meditation will take care of the stress. It is necessary to have the right balance in physical health as well in mind and spirit.

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