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Sunday, 12 February 2012

Home Remedies For Mental Forgetfulness During Menopause

Menopause is that time of a woman’s life when she loses the ability to bear children. During this time, the level of estrogen as well as various other hormones in the body starts fluctuating, leading to a number of emotional and physical symptoms.
Amongst the other symptoms associated with menopause, mental forgetfulness is a common symptom that many women complain of. Though medical advice is required for serious cases of memory impairment, but the usual forgetfulness can be tackled with the help of simple home remedies.

Exercise Your Brain

Menopause can often lead to brain freeze, which is the inability of  persons to recall words and names which they know well. In order to maximize brain power, look for opportunities through which you can use your mental power. Try doing mathematical problems in your head instead of writing them down on paper or using a calculator.
Follow a different route to reach your home few days of the week. Make it a habit to walk backward for at least one minute each day. Engage yourself in solving as many puzzles as you can, including crosswords, logic, jigsaw puzzle, word search, or Sudoku. Take pleasure in learning new things whenever you get a chance, such as learning to speak foreign languages or play any musical instrument.

Reduce Stress

According to various researches, it has been found that a large number ofmenopausal women face problems in encoding new information because of their high stress level. Changes in the hormonal levels lead to mood swings along with other symptoms like hot flashes and racing heart. All these changes increase the stress level in the life of a woman. Therefore, there is a need to remove all other sources of stress from her life.
If you are going through menopause, avoid taking any new responsibilities on your shoulder such as caring for a pet, doing housekeeping or organizations duties.Keep your entire day organized to ensure that you do not need to multitask and have enough time at hand for all individual tasks. Keep note of all your important events and obligations on a scheduler or calendar.
Besides this, make it a habit to use healthy mechanisms for coping with stress such as meditation, yoga, nature walk or spending time alone. Keeping your stress level under control will help you encode new information optimally whenever required, alleviating the feeling of forgetfulness.

Get Proper Rest

Our brain requires enough rest to function optimally. Sleeping for a minimum of 8 hours each night along with enough rest throughout the day is required for optimal brain functioning. Insomnia is also quite common during menopause. If that is the case, then you will need to schedule your naps to ensure that you get the required amount of sleep.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Consuming a healthy diet comprising of fruits, vegetables, proteins, milk products, whole grains, and healthy oils is essential for optimal brain functioning. Antioxidants found in pomegranates, berries, tea, whole grains, vegetables, and certain fruits help in augmenting memory function. Avoid skipping meals and maintain ideal weight according to your body frame and height.
Follow the above mentioned natural treatment techniques to treat the problem of mental forgetfulness that is often evident during menopause.

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