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Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Various Acid Reflux Symptoms In Women

Although causes of acid reflux differ in men and women, but the symptoms are more or less similar in both. It is very important to spot out the acid reflux symptoms at the earliest before it turns out to be chronic.
Women should be extra cautious about this matter as they are often the worst sufferers. It is a well known fact that prolonged suffering from acid reflux or GERD can produce a grave situation. Many overlook the acid reflux symptoms in the early stage unless it turns out to be a seriously bothering problem.
Often, wrong diagnosis and faulty treatments make things worse. Abnormal functioning of the lower esophagus sphincter (LES) muscle causes acid reflux.Doctors advise lifestyle changes and dietary modifications to treat acid reflux symptoms as the initial step of treatment.

Common Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Watch out for the following symptoms of acid reflux. If one or two symptoms of acid reflux bother you often, then go for the necessary treatment immediately before things get out of hand.

Heart Burn

Acid reflux is alternately termed as “Heart burn”, as a burning sensation in the chest is the most commonly observed symptom of this disorder. The backflow of the acidic ingredients from the stomach to the esophagus causes this burning sensation.
One can experience heart burn just after meals or several times throughout the day. The condition is predominant in pregnant women as increased hormonal levels often cause malfunctioning of the LES valve.

Chest Pain

Acid Reflux Symptoms In Women
Photo Credit: Prevent-stroke-and-heart-attack.com/heart-attack-symptoms-for-women.html
Women suffering from acid reflux often experience pain in the chest behind the sternum. This pain can be severe at times resembling the symptoms of a serious cardiovascular disease like heart attack.


Regurgitation or burping up of the acidic undigested food is another symptom of acid reflux. This is generally experienced after having meals when a part of the undigested food comes up to the mouth from the stomach leaving a sour taste. You may feel a burning sensation in the throat due to regurgitation of the undigested food.


Acid reflux can cause dyspepsia, a common digestive disorder followed by a string of symptoms like heart burn, nausea, pain in the upper abdomen andbloating. Women may experience these symptoms of acid reflux regularly or few days before the onset of menstrual periods. Acid reflux symptoms observed before the periods usually do not pose serious threats and ebb off gradually.

Soreness In The Throat

Acid Reflux Symptoms In Women
Photo Credit: Recetasideasyremedios.com/tag/remedios-caseros/
Prolonged exposure to acidic ingredients not only damages the esophagus, but also affects the throat and larynx. As a result, women suffering from acute acid reflux experience sore throat along with coughing, hoarse voice, wheezing and occasional nocturnal chokes. Damage in the larynx can often lead to laryngitis.

Trouble In Swallowing

Frequent acid attacks in the esophagus cause inflammation in the esophageal lining. The tissues erode and become sensitive. Prolonged suffering from acid refluxcan constrict the esophageal tube causing difficulties in swallowing. You may experience pain or a lump in the throat while swallowing food or drinking fluids.

Breathing Problem

Breathing problem is one of the common symptoms of acid reflux in women.This problem heightens while lying on the bed during sleeping. Acid reflux exerts pressure on the chest, which slows down the normal breathing process causing extreme difficulties. Passing sleepless nights due to breathing problem becomes a regular event.

Dental Erosion

Acid Reflux Symptoms In Women
Photo Credit: Napolovina.com/offer.php?id=500
Regurgitation of the acidic ingredients of the stomach often leaves a sour taste in the mouth. These acidic ingredients gradually eat away the dental enamel exposing the dentin, the innermost dental layer. As a result, tooth sensitivity or tooth discoloration is commonly observed in women suffering from chronic acid reflux.

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