Definition of Joint swelling
Joint swelling is the buildup of fluid in the soft tissue surrounding the joint.
Alternative Names for Joint swelling
Swelling of a joint
Joint swelling may occur along with joint pain. The swelling may cause the joint to appear larger or abnormally shaped.
Joint swelling can cause pain or stiffness. After an injury, swelling of the joint may mean you have a broken bone or a tear in the muscle tendon or ligament.
Many different types of arthritis may cause swelling, redness, or warmth around the joint.
An infection in the joint can cause swelling, pain, and fever.
Common Causes
Joint swelling may be caused many different things, including:
Home Care
If the joint swelling occurs after an injury, apply ice packs to reduce pain and swelling. Raise the swollen joint so that it is higher than your heart, if possible. For example, if your ankle is swollen, lay down with pillows comfortably placed underneath your foot so that your ankle and leg is slightly raised.
For those with arthritis, your doctor's treatment plan should be followed carefully.
Call your health care provider if
Call your health care provider immediately if you have joint pain and swelling with a fever.
Also call your health provider if you have:
- Unexplained joint swelling
- Joint swelling after an injury
What to expect at your health care provider's office
Your health care provider will obtain your medical history and will perform a physical examination. The joint will be closely examined. You will be asked questions about your joint swelling, such as:
- Location
- Which joint is swollen?
- Is more than one joint swollen?
- Time pattern
- When did the joint swelling develop?
- Is it always swollen, or does it come and go?
- Is this the first time you have had swollen joints?
- Quality
- How swollen is the area?
- If you press over the swollen area with a finger, does it leave a dent after you take the finger away?
- Aggravating factors
- What makes the swelling worse?
- Is it any worse in the morning or at night?
- Does exercise make it worse?
- Relieving factors
- What make the swelling better?
- Does elevating the affected body part make the swelling go down?
- Is it better if you use an elastic wrap?
- What home treatment have you tried? How effective was it?
- Other
- What other symptoms are also present?
- Is there joint pain?
- Is there fever?
- Is there a rash?
Tests to diagnose the cause of joint swelling may include:
- Blood studies (such as a CBC or blood differential)
- Joint x-rays
- Joint aspiration and examination of joint fluid
Physical therapy for muscle and joint rehabilitation may be recommended.
The structure of a joint
Joints, particularly hinge joints like the elbow and the knee, are complex structures made up of bone, muscles, synovium, cartilage, and ligaments that are designed to bear weight and move the body through space. The knee consists of the femur (thigh bone) above, and the tibia (shin bone) and fibula below. The kneecap (patella) glides through a shallow groove on the front part of the lower thigh bone. Ligaments and tendons connect the three bones of the knee, which are contained in the joint capsule (synovium) and are cushioned by cartilage.
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