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Monday, 6 February 2012

The More You Learn About Willpower, The Easier It Is To Master!

One of the great mysteries for anyone who wants to live a significant life concerns how to develop the personal power to do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, even when we don’t want to do it, so that we can enjoy the feeling of being in total control of ourselves, and taste the sweet fruits and rewards that come from having strong self-discipline.  As you read further, you’re about to learn three important things about Willpower.
One of the first things you need to know about Willpower is that you have an infinite supply of it as close to you as your desire to learn more about it.  Willpower is NOT a superhuman characteristic, but a normal function of the human brain that only needs to be trained and developed through applied practice.
A second important principle to keep in mind is that Willpower may not be what you think it is.  For instance, did you know that Willpower has nothing to do with you forcing yourself or anybody else to do something?  What a relief that is!
Here’s a third thing you should know about Willpower, that the more you use it – the more you reach down into yourself, call upon and apply it – the more it expands for you and the stronger it becomes.  Like any good habit, Willpower is a practiced skill that can totally uplift every area of your life.
What Is Power Of Will?
Like Consciousness, Willpower has eluded a consensus definition among Psychologists and Neuroscientists for many years. For the purposes of this brain training method we have devised a practical definition by synthesizing the meanings of a number of related ideas.
Willpower is the DISCIPLINE OF ACTING CONSCIOUSLY AND CONGRUENTLY upon the sincerest designs and resolutions of your Will, the practice of which cultivates subconscious habits and processes that are similarly congruent and supportive in the achievement of your objectives.
Willpower is a well-practiced way of working for the achievement of the objectives you want to accomplish, with passionate efficiency that perpetuates your own self-expansion and brings you more wisdom and personal power. It is an outpouring of energetic, consciously guided effort based on a clear decision formed considerately in Mind without interference from fleeting, conflicting impulses or conditioned thinking or pressure from others.
What Is Willpower NOT?
NOT ‘Self-Denial’ – Willpower is never ‘denying yourself’ something genuinely good or pleasing. To the contrary, it is making use of your intellect to displace unhealthy choices with healthy, good, and pleasing alternatives in a satisfactory way.
NOT ‘Struggle’ – True Willpower ALWAYS leads to relaxed, productive efficiency and enjoyment of harmonious action.
NOT ‘Force’ – Willpower is the expression of a vision being crafted into reality through KNOWLEDGE, while brute force is merely blind and mindless.
NOT ‘Cunning’ – Instead, it is Wisdom attained by sincere work – the result of knowledge, insight, and an uncorrupted Mind.
NOT ‘Manipulation’ – Willpower inspires! The possessor climbs toward higher ground and ’shines as a light’ that simply cannot be extinguished by the schemes of the petty and small.
NOT ‘Domineering’ – Rather, it is COOPERATIVE. Slave drivers are always chained to those they try to oppress, and operate in constant fear of being overthrown. Effective training that educates you in the nature of your Will moves you toward freedom, and away from all desperate need to control others.
Characteristics Of Willpower:
Self-Knowledge – You know and manage your thoughts, impulses, and emotions.
Self-Motivation – You create your own purposes, motives, and motivations. The currents and winds of culture and society don’t pull at you, and temptation is merely a word used by people who do not know the truth about their own thoughts, emotions, and impulses.
Self-Direction – You don’t require a leader, because you take the point without needing to asked or told. You know what needs to be done because you have set the bar and determined what your course shall be. Let others keep up with you, if they can. You never take a blind step because you are keenly aware of every movement and action.
Go ahead and throw out all those useless concepts of FORCING yourself! Forget CONTROL! Willpower has NOTHING to do with FORCE or CONTROL! What a RELIEF that is! Willpower also has no relation to ‘making’ yourself do anything, nor is it about painful self-denial. Willpower is fun and fascinating and you can learn about it through strategically customized and applied mental fitness training.

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