Pomegranate Health Benefits :
Pomegranate fruits are reddish yellow in color and seeds of the fruit are also reddish in color, but some of the fruits seeds slightly reddish white in color, reddish seeds are more tasty than reddish white seeds. The pomegranates are mostly cultivated in Maharashtra and Gujarat and throughout the India. Pomegranates are available in abundance during the last 4 months of the year but these fruits are available round the year also.
Pomegranates consist of many essential phytochemicals and minerals such as phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, selenium, zinc, copper, magnesium and traces of other minerals and micro nutrients or Vitamins namely, Vitamin B6, B2, B1, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, Vitamin K Vitamin C and Vitamin E and other traces of other vitamins, in addition to these, it contain proteins, dietary fiber along with calories which is roughly 234 calories that one fresh pomegranate contains.
Pomegranate health benefits are, pomegranates fruits are well known for its nutritional and medicinal qualities and it is considered as one of the best fruit in terms of health benefits. The juice of pomegranates are found to be effective against carcinogenic cells, it blocks the carcinogenic cells and effectively prevents breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Studies revealed the fact that this juice if given regularly to prostate cancer patients, there will be no need to go for hormone therapy and chemotherapy to treat cancer.
Pomegranates juice also protects the brain of neonatal, if it is consumed by pregnant mothers. It reduces deterioration of cartilage between joints and effectively prevents osteoarthritis. It blocks the formation of plaque in arteries and removes the plaque that is already formed in arteries, thus improves cardiovascular health, lowering LDL and increases the HDL cholesterol, thus prevents hypertension. It has been found effective that it improves memory, prevents Alzheimer’s disease, and also blocks the building of plaque in teeth, thus improves dental health and prevents gum’s disorder.
Medicinal values of pomegranates are: Diarrhea and dysentery are treated with powder of seeds along with buttermilk and also with juice of the pomegranates. Pomegranates flowers are crushed and made as juice with ginger and honey are given for the treatment of cough. Pomegranate juice, if taken regularly with honey, it gives relief from piles, and if it is taken with buttermilk, it stops bleeding piles. If the bark of the fruit dried and powdered and a spoon of which taken with boiled water, clears off all intestinal worms including tape worms. The pomegranates juice acts antacid and improves digestion, gives relief from constipation. The seeds of pomegranates and cumin seeds together clear unpleasant taste in the mouth. Pomegranates seeds powder arrests bleeding in the mouth.
Powder of Pomegranates leaves should be taken with honey, yoghurt and sandal powder to prevent threatened abortion after 4 months in case of pregnancy. The other medicinal values are, derivatives of pomegranates are used in the treatment of nasal bleeding, anal itching, and anemia. To conclude, pomegranates are helpful to us to clear off many ailments and disorders of health.
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